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World Lore 

Below you can find information on the world of Chevalin. This information applies to all factions and is organized into four sections. 

1. History of Chevalin

2. Geography of Chevalin

3. Magic of Chevalin

4. Creatures of Chevalin.

Keep in mind that if this is your first time visiting the page to learn how to join the group, you only need to read the history of chevalin, but feel free to divulge into the other sections, there's no such thing as too much lore knowledge!

Magic of Chevalin

Aether, the magic of Chevalin, flows through the world encompassing everything it touches. Because of this, every sentient soul that roams Chevalin is born with an unknown hidden gift of magic that they will unlock when they are ready. Since the founding of the current factions, magic has been divided into five types of magic. 

Most magic is innate, though spells and items can channel specific magic and make it stronger. The five schools of Aetherial magic are as follows: 

Moon Magic:

These feminine gifts are inspired by the night and colder weather. These gifts often relate to climate, they are considered gifts of Change, Renewal and Illumination.  

Sun Magic: 

These masculine gifts inspired by the warm days of summer and physical presence. Gifts of the Sun often relate to earthen materials and are considered gifts of Energy, Power and Strength.


Mind Magic:

Often considered as “dark” or “witch’s” magic, gifts of the mind are those pulled from within. They often have nothing physical to show that that they are there or working. .  

Spirit Magic:


These gifts, although considered less dangerous, are still dark magic. They feed off of emotion, and are often also referred to as gifts of the heart. 

Divine Magic:


Extremely rare, these gifts are said to be given to the worthy by the unknown gods. 

Some vocabulary to keep in mind when discussing Aether/Magic Includes:

Gift: A magical ability that rests within the soul of a horse. It can only be unlocked by the diviner of COTW. 

Schools of Aether: Types of magic that have been sorted. 

Aether: The magic that flows through the world. 

History of Chevalin

Thousands of years ago, when the land of Chevalin was but a small speck within the never ending universe, magic began leak into it's dimension. This magic, pure and gentle, caressed the earth, growing the lush grasses upon the once barren lands and filling the empty seas with endless oceans. The skies, formerly dark and grey, were painted brilliantly with with brightest of blues one could imagine, the canvas decorated with playful, wispy clouds. The world was perfect, and yet, magic did not stop, for the world that was created was empty.

From the skies came birds, from the sea came fish, and from the land came a variety of other small creatures. However, there was still no creature that could stand in awe of the creation around them and worship it. As the years went by, new beings formed, their creation more significant than others. Eons passed and intelligent life faded in and out of existence, none able to respect the world in which they were created. When it seemed life had failed most, nature took back it’s world, with the now saturated magic Aether. But where did this magic come from? Another magical dimension, where it too had created it’s own life. In the world of Aetherian, as the magic flowed, a winged beast came from the skies, and shortly after, a horned beast came from the sea. Emerging from the clouds and sea foam respectively, the two creatures were the first of their kind, alone in a world that could not understand them. Yet somehow, the two were able to live in harmony, calling themselves by their new names. The winged beast proclaimed his name Pegasus, and the horned beast proclaimed her name Unicorn. Discovering their similarities, the two intelligent beasts banded together, for they only had each other.

Thousands of years passed and many other Pegasus and Unicorns emerged from the sky and sea, joining up with their respective leader. The two groups lived in harmony, the Pegasus ruling the sky and the Unicorns ruling the seas. Both left the land to the animals they had stewardship over, establishing the land as common ground that would remain unclaimed by either beast. Although the majority of the herds stayed with their own kind, friendships among the two beasts were not unheard of. Pegasus and Unicorn were, after all, dear friends and companions as they only had one another for several hundred years. They encouraged peace between their children, teaching love and acceptance of each other's differences. However, everything would soon change.






When magic began resonating within the bodies and souls of the beasts, Unicorns were blessed with the ability to learn more magic than the Pegasus. Some began to see this as divinity, causing the Unicorns to become arrogant and prideful, filling their hearts with vanity - even their once humble leader took pride in her people. Pegasus, on the other hand, could only learn one magical power, making them "inferior" to their companion beasts. The rivalry between herds began, and as their quarrels escalated, the magic within the world became tainted. This tainted magic did its work, delving deep within the lagoons and abysses in the world to create a third being, one that would hopefully band the two groups together once again. A hauntingly beautiful beast arose from the world's depths, the creature calling herself Kelpie.

Kelpie, being birthed from the waters, was taken in by the Unicorns, and as more of them arose from the depths, they were welcomed. The Pegasus paid no mind to the relationship between the Kelpies and the Unicorns, remaining silent within their kingdom in the sky for a few hundred years, only having very limited contact to the earth and its dwellers. In this time, a Kelpie and Unicorn had relations, birthing a pure black half breed that was frightening and alluring at the same time. Kelpies, pure beings at this time, were unaware that this filly would be their undoing and revealer of their true forms. Baba Yaga, the black filly, was the first half breed of any of the beasts, as Pegasus and Unicorns had kept to their own when it came to creating offspring. However, despite the coexistence of the Unicorns and the Kelpies, Baba Yaga was not so eagerly received.

You see, dearest reader, many Unicorns were leery of the black filly, because out of all the foals born, all Unicorns had been white. Seen as a bad omen, Baba Yaga was shunned, the filly first feeling despair in her heart where seething anger would soon harbor. As she aged, Baba Yaga saw how others viewed her, yet Unicorn tried to accept the young mare. Unicorn herself took the half beast under her guidance to teach the child that was shared by both mares. Despite the combined herds' beliefs, the two leaders lived and ruled peacefully together - until Kelpie saw how her children were treated by those of Unicorn. Unicorns began shunning Kelpies, forcing them away since the birth of Baba Yaga, who was now a few hundred years old. Baba Yaga saw this and sought out Kelpie, who agreed that they deserved better. However, when they sought council with Unicorn, the white beast denied anything wrong and was blind to the pain her people were causing the Kelpies. Enraged, Kelpie felt contempt boil in her belly, whisking Baba Yaga away quickly.

Kelpie began shaking, her lip quivering and her body pulsing with the dark magic that lived within her since creation. Her glamour that made her appear beautiful eroded, her image becoming absolutely terrifying. Baba Yaga shrieked, shying away from the now monstrous looking beast before her, what once was a beautiful mare, long gone. Kelpie huffed, snapping her jaw viciously, her appearance more akin to the serpents of the sea than an elegant Kelpie. As her anger subsided, her body altered back to her previous form, the new found power becoming her plan. Kelpie groomed Baba Yaga, teaching her to control her shifting and use it to her will. No other Kelpie knew of their secret, but true forms, and Kelpie was going to use that to her advantage. After Baba Yaga mastered her shifting and was thoroughly against Unicorn due to all of Kelpie's teachings and persuading, the time came.

Unicorn, ignorantly oblivious to Baba Yaga's secret training, was still inviting the black mare to her for teachings. One day, when the two mares were at the shores alone, the black mare lunged out, revealing her true form as she struck. Unicorn let out a shrill squeal, the black mare's morphed maw clutching the unicorn's throat. The white beast struggled, kicking out her hooves, but her efforts were useless. Kelpie, who had been lurking in the sea, rose up to stare at the dead leader. She could save her people now, and make sure that they were never hurt, having Baba Yaga at her side. But, the ordeal alerted other Unicorns, the white children outraged at the betrayal of those they took in. With a combined effort, the Unicorns did all they could: chase the wretched Kelpies into the ocean. After every last Kelpie was banished to a city in the choppy waters, the Unicorns used their magic together to seal and sink the city, sending it far below, into the depths of the deepest abyss, hoping to rid the world of Kelpies forever.

The whole ordeal was spectated by Pegasus in the clouds, the sky beasts horrified by what had happened. Saddened by the death of his once dear friend, Pegasus reached out to the children of the sea, reestablishing a relationship with them. After rekindling the bond between sky and sea, a new Unicorn leader arose. This stallion called himself "King" and claimed to rule over the Unicorns, his name Valraldic. Valraldic promised to lead with nobility and chivalry, and the Unicorns followed him loyally. With the tainting of magic that was once pure, Unicorns and Pegasus soon began coming in all shades, their once exclusive pure white coats now a rarity. Pegasus and his original followers and Valraldic were the only pure white beasts left. Under the rule of Valraldic, the Unicorns began mingling with the Pegasus again, however, several hundred years later, trouble would brew once more. Those with the gift of clairvoyance warned that the Kelpies and their leader Baba Yaga would return. They saw images of death and ruin, they pleaded with Valraldic and the Pegasus leader to return them to safety.


It was in the same weeks their fear grew, that a rip in the magic world was found, leaking its magic into a world unknown to Pegasus and Unicorn kind. There it was decided, that they would flee, leaving their homes for Baba Yaga to overtake. They could only pray she would not follow. This new world was known as Chevalin.

The new world they fled to however, was not uninhabited by it’s own creatures, and Pegasus and Unicorn kind found they would have to share their new home. Pegasus feared the new creature whom called itself horse, and made the decision to recreate their cloud castles in the sky. There it was decided they would stay, free from the chaos of difference. Unicorn kind, and their leader however, decided far differently.

What happens next in history is what you know already - Valraldic took control of the horses by leading them astray, many forgetting their true past, and believing that the world belonged to them. Valraldic would prove to be a cruel and elitist leader, treating mortal horses with discriminatory practices. Only one unicorn would stand up for them, a unicorn known as Vellamine. It was Vellamine who would sacrifice her life as a unicorn to lock her magical kin on an island where she hoped no mortal horse would ever have to encounter the king Valraldic again. Over the lands of Chevalin they were divided into different factions. When Vellamine sealed away the Unicorns, creatures who fell far from grace, her seal effectively locked the Pegasus, who were silent and forgotten by many, in their sky kingdom. Years passed and the mortal factions of horses across the lands of Chevalin had trials of their own, causing war and a set of chain reactions that would release the unicorns once again. Vellamine, who had been in hiding under the guise of the name BaYagu for the last hundred years knew what she had to do. If Valraldic would not be locked away, he must be destroyed. When Vellamine, now BaYagu, sacrificed herself to rid the world of Valraldic, her spell of destruction ruined the world they knew.


The sky shattered, causing the sky kingdom to fall and crumble. Pegasus and his family, still living after so many years, perished in the fall, their bodies tumbling to the earth with their kingdom. His youngest son, Celestine, was the only surviving member of the royal family. Leaderless and afraid, the peaceful Pegasus sought refuge, following Celestine towards the southern island, where they were welcomed by the mortal horse herd that resided there, whom had a Pegasus of their own among their ranks.


In the very land BaYagu stood on as she destroyed Valraldic and herself in the process, a great pool of aether-imbued water erupted, successfully merging the magic of Aetherian with the mortal world of Chevalin.


In the wake of this new world, the old factions fell, and new ones slowly replaced them. The many followers of Vellamine (Also known as BaYagu the Silver Witch) created their own herd, calling themselves the Children of the Witch .A young unicorn by the name of Pippin would find these stragglers of the witch, binding them together and founding the children.


Once a unicorn worshiping nation, the northernmost faction reinvented themselves, calling upon a new order where history would never be forgotten. They would dedicate themselves to studying magic and seeking out knowledge wherever they could. They would be known as the Olde Order. Veros, son of the king Vasska, would lead them into this new world.


To the south, two factions merged together, founding themselves as the Emberblood Nation, agreeing never to worship any god, and care proudly for the land on which they lived. It was the Emberblood Nation that would take in the leaderless Pegasus.  


Cholena, a mare blessed with the magical gift of divine flight, urged the newly formed Emberblood Nation to take in the fallen creatures, the Pegasus were grateful for their kindness. The relationship between Horse and Pegasus was rekindled and strengthened.


As time passed and the herds cultures became obvious and different, the three leaders. Cholena, Veros and Pippin met at the Aether Pool. Together they decided who would own which territory. It was these three whom would come together to organize magic into the five schools of magic it exists in today. They believed that this organization would provide balance and harmony between the herds.


The land of Chevalin, for a moment, seemed like it would rebuild, but not all outcomes of the sacrificial spell were positive. The effects of BaYagu's magic caused the city plunged within the depths of the oceans to emerge from its seal, releasing the Kelpies who had long since developed contempt for the Unicorns. Kelpie and the half-breed Baba Yaga however, were nowhere to be found. Instead a new queen had taken the head of her Kelpie-kin. She had learned from the stories of the original Kelpie and Baba Yaga that victory would come slowly, and so for 50 years the kelpie stayed hidden in the land of Aetherian, only recently having discovered the rip in dimensions: walking the land of Chevalin at last. The aftermath of several millenniums was to play out, the four beasts together and bound to the same land for the first time in Chevalin’s history.

Common Magical Creatures of Chevalin


A small rodent donning long poisonous quills on its neck and back. Often called a 'miniature manticore' these little creatures can shoot their quills from their back times of need.

Territory:  Central Chevalin, namely in CotW and Emberblood Territories.

Acid Bear

As large as rhe common black bear, these creatures seem to have adapted to their territory well. Spewing acid from their lips, these beasts are extremely dangerous ans aggressive.

Territory:  The Scar

Ash Bear

Much larger than their Acid relatives, ash bears are far more docile. Although their nacks appear to take the form of a small active volcano, these fire dancers are slow to anger.

Territory:  Emberblood Territory, Svarog 

Legendary Creatures of Chevalin

Legendary Creatures of Chevalin

There are some creatures only fabled throughout chevalin, resting only in stories of factions that believe in them. It is unknown if they truly exist, but their power is terrifying regardless if they are truth.  

Bhais-Bringer, Spell of Resurrection, a symbol of Aeonic Change

This legendary takes the form of a White Crow.  The meaning this creature is literally “Death Bringer” and is known by the Children of the Witch and the Olde herd as an omen of death and great wars. To Olde, this creature does not truly exist, but is something of stories only. To COTW, this creature is very much alive, and lurking, and waiting to call to a living character as a spirit animal. Because this legendary creature does not have a walking god associated with it, it still retains all of it’s aetherial power, and could possibly be stolen from it at any moment if he is discovered to be real. Rumor has it he makes his residence near the scar, migrating north during the summer to cotw territory. He is said to have a fair and merciful facade, but be warned, a cruel soul lies within.


Aeiroth, Spell of Destruction, a symbol of the Abysmal Void

Having lost his own power long ago when Vellamine committed the Spell of destruction, only this legendary creature holds the key to her awakening.  He takes the form of the bush antlered deer, and is fabled to walk on the Aetherial steppes in the north, far from his opposite: Amhrun-Cru. Before he lost his power, he is said to have constantly tried to undo the creation of his spiritual brother, destroying so that he could provide balance to the world. After he lost his true powers, he was often hunted, for fear that maybe he would destroy the world - like Vellamine almost had when she saved it.


Cù-Sith, Spell of Binding, a symbol of judgment.

This legendary creature takes the form of a Giant Wolf, and while considered as no more than some wraith to scare foals, the Children of the Witch argue that it is He who haunts moor and mire as a messenger of divine judgment and retribution. There is said to be no refuge from the all-seeing gaze of His many eyes and no escape once He is hounding an individual, weighing the worth of their heart and soul; and it is said that those who hear the baying of Cù-Sìth are marked for judgment and must atone by the third howl or face their uncertain fate. Despite the horror of His lore, Cù-Sìth is a wrathful soul leavened by a perplexing sense of mourning and reflective introspection, and in the Children of the Witch it is said that His judgment never comes with hatred, but with a solemn weight and the lament of howling. Wholly neutral, Cù-Sìth is never one to be predicted nor understood beyond unsteady hypothesis save one certainty: never give Him reason to fix His eyes upon you.



Ghealach-síle, the Aetherian Chant, a symbol of forbidden knowledge.

This legendary creature that takes the form of a Great Owl is spoken about in whispers all over the territories of Chevalin, fabled as a creature that delivers the magic from the world of Aetherian to the world of Chevalin, and as the creator of magic Herself; even the Children of the Witch doubt the existence of this creature called only ‘(the) Moon Witch.’ As lofty as the distant stars, ever chanting to Herself like a babbling brook, Ghealach-síle does not see the world through Her empty sockets full of shadows, but through the occult perception of the third eye, detached from Chevalin with her somnolent gaze fixed upon the unimaginable churn of the infinite; in her whispers lie the forbidden blasphemies and unknowns of the universe, threatening to bring madness to those who hear and understand.



Amhrán-Cru, Spell of Creation,  Symbol of Uncontrolled Perseverance  

This legendary creature is virtually unknown by all factions, and while descriptions exist of him in nereid that have been shared with the children, there is no written record of his existence. Taking the form of a monstrous whale, it is fabled that everything he touches changes and grows. It is said that he can even create short lived homunculus-like creatures, causing havoc on the eco system it enters before it withers away and dies. It is unknown if his power was ever stolen from him, many wondering if he ever could create life that lasted. The nereid say that to hunt and kill Amhran-Cru would make them a warrior like never seen before, but even they don’t know what form he takes, only that if he did exist, he would lurk in the waters across Chevalin.

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