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The Olde Order is revered as a rather ancient herd that began when unicorn-kind crossed from the world of Aetherian to the land of Chevalin. Once a god-worshiping group of mortal horses, they have evolved from rather close minded individuals to seekers of knowledge and users of magic. They feel a brotherhood with the horses of Emberblood, fear the Nereid, and respect the Children of the Witch.  

Magic Types Allowed: Moon magic is prioitized, but all are welcome.

Species allowed: Unicorn and Common Horse


4. One shall not leave one’s territory without a superior’s permission.


5. Take part in all rituals that your are physically able.


6. One should always share their knowledge with the herd.

7. To marry is to devote one's self to another, betrayal by adultery will not be tolerated


1 .Thou shalt not kill another, unless in defense of one’s own life.

2. Thou shalt not covet what another has, thievery will be punished.

3. One must always remain loyal to the Olde order. One shall not fancy one’s self with that of the Children of the Witch. If relations are to occur between the Olde and the Emberblood, the leaders will decide your fate.

Customs and Rituals

Vellamine Day:  Held every year on the day the 10 years war ended as a celebration. All herds gather in the center of Chevalin at the Aether pool and celebrate, as well as honor those who died.

The Naming: When a foal in Olde turns thirteen years old, a crystal ball enchanted by the children of the witch is placed before them. They are asked then to stare into it, and ask that their soul reveal itself to them. Three things generally happen:

1. The foal sees nothing, graduates to a rook in either the path of the bard or the archivist.*

2. The foal sees a magical gift (inner power) deemed useful for the protection of the herd. They are named a mage in training, and graduate to become a rook.

3. The child sees a the gift they will one day unlock, but it is better deemed to the purposes of a archivist or bard. The graduate on the path chosen for them by the herd.  

* Unless you are joining as a mage, this should be the case. 


Bowing of the heads(Custom): It has always been customary for the horses of Chevalin to bow their heads in sight of their leader. Never should a follower's head be higher than that of their king.


Flowering the Brides(Custom): When a mare is married in the Olde Order, other horses will throw flowers with their mouths or kick piles of them at the bride as she walks with her husband after the ceremony. It is said, that after their night alone, any flowers left stuck in her mane is to calculate the number of children she will have.


Weddings(Custom): Mates wishing to be forever bonded by marriage are to consult the king or queen for permission. Only Kings, Queens, and Bards can hold ceremonies.


Unique Vocabulary(Culture):  

The Order have a few terms that are used, that other herds may be less familiar with, they are the following.


Failte: The way in which horses of Olde are intended to greet eachother: with enthusiasm, and warmth.

Example: ‘He had not used the proper Failte, and she knew at once that he had registered her distaste—not that she would have preferred otherwise.’

Pronunciation: as ‘fealty’, ‘fee-al-tee’; or ‘fey-al-tee.’

The Aekashic Library: A secret library of scrolls where the order keeps it's records of knowledge, only archivists are welcome there. 

Example: ‘She knew that if caught stealing into the Aekashic Library there could be grave consequences, but her drive to understand overcame such baser fears.’

Pronunciation: ‘ey-kah-sh-ick-library.’

Saeoi: A word used to recognize the knowledge and wisdom of others. Is used as a respectful compliment to elders and to those one respects.


Daethúil: small butterflies that glow with blue Aetherial magic native only to the north of Chevalin. 

Example: ‘The Daethúil were flitting between the warm shafts of sunlight that had broken through the pine canopy above, dappling the dry forest floor below.’

Pronunciation: ‘day-thool.



Year 454: The unicorn war, also known as the ten years war begins, the heir to Vasska, Veros is born. 


Year 464: The Silver Witch, also known as Vellamine, sacrifices herself, destroying the unicorn king and successfully ending the ten years war.  The entire world shifts, and a pool of magic erupts from it’s center, freely flowing aether pouring into the world. There is no longer anyone who knows how to unlock gifts in the world. This causes a rift within all herds, leaving a period of uncertainty. 


Year 468: King Vasska dies, leaving his eldest son, at the mere age of 14 to rule as leader. 

Year 470: After five years, news comes of a faction south of Olde, messengers have gone to each of the factions, inviting them to a celebration of Vellamine. Olde's young leader, Veros, meets with his advisors. Despite advisors warning it may be some sort of trap, Veros leaves the herd accompanied by knights, and a few citizens. He learns to have trust in the world outside of Olde, by attending the first annual Vellamine day celebration, when his gift is unlocked by the Diviner Unicorn, Pippin. 
Year 472: Brienne, a young maiden of Olde, woos Veros, and becomes his queen. She develops into an extremely strong figure in the Order, going on to found the Bard rank. 

Year 474: Veros, now older and more respected by his people, begins to make changes to the way things are. Having memory of the carnage of the ten years war, and the peace that followed it: sees the world as a place for change, progress and peace. He dedicates a building in the city ruins to his father, to be filled with the writings of leaders past. He names this building the Votulus. He sends out a decree that Advisors will be required to earn their knowledge and work every day to know the history, and all there is to know about the lands of Chevalin. In the same stroke he decreed a new order upon the herd of Olde.


Year 478: After producing three daughters, a male heir is born to Veros and Brienne, named Vasilio.
Year 494: Vasilio becomes king at the age of 16, after Veros passes away from a strange illness. 

Year 498: Vasilio marries the first Unicorn Queen, Morwenna, in an effort to ease old tensions between the races; the two become known for their peaceful way of life, and what started as a political marriage between friends, turns into love. The King began to see no need of Knights anymore, because of the lack of conflict in the land, and removes the rank.

Year 500: Queen Morwenna gives birth to a pair of fraternal twin colts, Viktor, who bore a Unicorn horn, and Vance, who did not.

Year 519: The twin colts come of age, and King Vasilio has a certain mare in mind to be the next queen; he tells the colts that whoever proves themselves more fit to be king, and wins her heart will be the heir.

Year 520: Vasilio is assassinated by an unknown being, and Viktor, having won over the young mare that his father chose, assumes his position as king of Olde. The herd is deeply shaken by Vasilio’s death, and whispers of fear and unease begin to drift around the populace. Vance is given a high position by his brother, an adviser to royalty.

Year 520: A colt is born to King Viktor and Queen Fiora, and is named Varren. The King does not look fondly upon him or his mother, due to the foal’s unusually small stature.

Year 530: Members of the herd begin to go missing, occasionally at first, but with increasing frequency over the following year. Eventually, Viktor is pushed to investigate the situation, followed by Vance, and secretly, Queen Fiora. After being ambushed by monstrous equines, Vance barely escapes with his life to deliver news of the King and Queen’s death, and warns other Advisors of the dangers upon them.

Year 538: Varren is raised and prepared to be the new king by his uncle and other royal advisors. At age 18 it has become a shared opinion he is ready to assume the throne, and the young stallion begins an effort to heal the worried people of Olde. An usual peace has settled over the herd after the death of the previous royalty, and there is much grim anticipation of what is coming after the calm of the storm.

Year 540: A lone Unicorn mare is found by a patrol on the outskirts of Olde lands, and due to the suspicions and unease of the people, is brought to the King. After a period of watch over her life, she is finally admitted as a Bard to the herd.

Year 545: The Unicorn mare gradually wins over the hearts of many herd members, becoming a favored Bard of Olde. King Varren starts to recognize her as a mare from his childhood who used to sing and tell tales to him. It doesn’t take long for his heart to waver and fall deeply for this mare by the name of Delphine, and soon they are to be married.

The Order's Code


Rook:  Young members of the herd over the age of thirteen, that eventually train as a Bard, Mage or Archivist. They are meant to spend time shadowing the various ranks, until one takes interest in them, choosing to mentor them until they are ready to fully take on their rank.  Olde takes great pride in their rooks, seeing them as the future.

25: Is finally assigned a mentor, your hard work to serve your elders has paid off! If you were a mage you already knew what you were destined to be, but the relief of knowing you are deemed ready for training is a feeling of elation no matter your new path. 

50: Access to special Rook prompts that gain bonus WG. 

75: Gifted a mouse companion.

100: Is graduated to becoming a Bard, Mage or Archivist.

Mage*:  Magical protectors of the herd, they are tasked with learning magic to protect both the physical herd, and the knowledge that they have accumulated. They are chosen at birth when a crystal ball shows them to have a gift that will prove useful to the rank.

0: Was long ago gifted a crystal ball from those that guard the aether pool, an item that lets them know their future gift on their 13th birthday, although it may be many years before they unlock this gift. Note the group for information.  

50: Can mentor a rook, it's time to start looking for a talented student! 

75: Gifted an owl companion.

100: Automatically reaches stage 4 of their gift.

Archivist:  Both advisers and scholars, archivists are tasked with keeping records of Chevalin’s long history. They organize and share this knowledge, often taking long trips to discover what they can about their own herd’s history, and that of others. Because of their vast knowledge, many other herds look to them for advice.

25: Is given both a rite of passage to further one's knowledge and the ability to mentor a rook! Choose your fledgling well, your role is important to the herd!

50: Character is given a +2 to Wisdom Rolls during events. 

75: Gifted a ferret companion

100: Is given a “secret” piece of lore, please note the group for your reward.

Royalty:  The King and Queen, specifically, of the Olde order. They act as a traditional monarchy, providing leadership for their faction. 

25: Females are gifted a Potion of Fertility; Males are gifted a Spell of Protection.

50: Character is given a +2 to Diplomacy Rolls during events.

75: Gifted a silver fox companion.

100: Automatically reaches stage 4 of their gift.


To tell the story of the Olde Order, one must track back to the beginning of magic within Chevalin. Founded by the great leader of the unicorns:  Valraldic. The king Valraldic was a cruel king, segregating unicorn kind from their mortal equine cousins. He believed the common horse to be inferior and his actions against the common horse proved this. Through his years of tyranny, his young niece Vellamine plotted to overthrow him, eventually locking away all unicorns away on a secret island. Years passed and the Olde Order, then referred to as the Olde Herd, lost its histories. As their story twisted, they began to lament the loss of the unicorns, beginning to pray for their return as if they were gods that could lead them to salvation.


In a cruel twist of fate however, under the 10th equine leader of Chevalin, a silver stallion known as King Vasska, the unicorns were released from their prison. The King Valraldic, whose bitterness had only been intensified took over the olde herd, enslaving many of the hornless kin, causing a war that would be known as the “Ten Years War”


Only after the ten years war ended, did Valraldic perish, giving the Olde herd a chance to reshape their beliefs and rebuild their herd. It would be the son of Vasska: Veros who would lead the herd into a new age. He would rename the herd “The Olde Order” and encourage the horses to chronicle the great history of their kind. They welcomed unicorns who had once pitied them into the herd, fostering a time of peace and forgiveness between the two species.


Many years have since passed since Veros founded the herd, and it has grown considerably, however the herd remained wary of change despite their new knowledge, and a new threat to their lives was recognized in the form of Kelpies. In their search for lore they had learned many things about unicorn kind, pegasi and their own herd: but very little could be found on the mysterious species, until they started hearing singing in the night.

The Olde Order knows little of kelpie kind, and fears their resurgence over the land of Chevalin.

Bard:  While often seen by other herds as simple entertainers, the Olde Order knows they are much more than meets the eye. Bards use song, story, and many other forms of art and magic to tell stories, keeping herd pride and morale strong. It is said the voice of a bard can soothe even the deepest of fears.

25: Can mentor a rook, start looking for a student to prime!

50: Is given one of the secret ballads of the 10 years war, note the group for more info. 

75: Gifted a songbird companion.

100: Character is given a +2 to any luck rolls in an event.



The Olde herd places most of it’s value in finding and preserving knowledge. It places emphasis on intelligence, kindness, and elegance. Regarding themselves as the most diplomatic of the four factions, they find pride in their forward thinking.


One's merit considered of true worth if that merit lends itself to the herd as a whole. Olde horses see their faction as one that thrives on all their backs, and is rather collectivistic.  Because of this view on the herd as a whole, another value of Olde’s is one of balance. Many from poor backgrounds will look to marry off their daughters and sons to a richer spouse. A lord or lady equine who marries poor is seen as setting an example to follow. Often rich parents with more than one child will arrange the youngest with a poor or low ranking horse to show their generosity. Arranged marriages are extremely common within the Olde Order.


Olde is more feminine in their expression, preferring cooperation and modesty over barbary.


While the Order supports a monarchy, they expect all within to serve the entirety of the herd. They preach fairness and  balance, however in practice this is often skewed. One is expected not to complain of their status within the herd. It serves as an unspoken rule not to question the pecking order, and if one is lucky, they will marry into a higher life, or work their way into one.


Royalty in the Order are always rich, and find themselves living in the cleanest and largest shelters of the city ruins.
















Currency is used heavily in the Olde Order, often one will pay an archivist for advice, or a bard for a song. Shelter within the city is divided up by the royalty and archivists that have served long. Middle class citizens can usually find themselves in a clean ruin, and collect knick knacks to fill its empty walls. The poor may go without a permanent fixture for a shelter, or may live in the smallest, most run down of ruins.


Olde is a bit of a wild card concerning the uncertain future. In the face of new herd behavior, or unorthodox values, they shiver at the thought of difference. They do not encourage self expression, nor do they punish it. However, in the face of new technology, new knowledge, adventure or outside conflict, they charge bravely into the fray.

Olde, with its obsession with knowledge, is always looking to the future. They encourage efforts to improve education, and plan for tomorrow rather than for themselves in the moment.

Faction Universals

Views on Beauty:

Pale coats are deemed to hold extraordinary value when it comes to beauty, many of the Order favoring cremellos, whites, perlinos and light silver coats. However, aside from coat color, beauty standards are extremely polarized between males and females. Olde finds a male attractive if he has a roman nose, strong legs, and high withers. It is also considered more acceptable if a male has a darker coat than a female. On the other hoof, females are expected to have long, thin legs accompanied by dished faces and large eyes. Blue eyes are extremely sought after, green eyes being the most ugly of all. One thing expected of both genders is that they have a long mane and tail. Feathered feet on a female is considered uncomely, and often they will be cut off, while a male looks proud with his extra foot hair.


Games and Popular Pastimes

Olde is rather fond of their games, jousting being a favorite among all, the sport is seen as memory of war times, signifying that war is no longer needed, and fighting is just but a game.  Despite being looked down upon if you have no money, Olde equines love to gamble, be it betting on the weather the next day, or if the first born will male or female, or if their pick will win the next jousting match.  



Basic education is given to all children to make sure that the next generation is knowledgeable and able to contribute to the good of the herd. Higher educations is given after the age of thirteen, to those who choose to follow the path of Mage, Archivist, or Bard. These horses will be assigned a mentor that will teach them to work with magic, herbs, or  lore extensively. The herd has a great belief on enlightenment and empowerment and knowledge is seen as one of the greatest gifts one can have. However, getting the “right” mentor can be seen as a difficult task. More sought after mentors will often only mentor the rich, taking money for bribes, or perhaps will mentor a truly bright young pupil out of the goodness of their heart. It's important to note that being paid as a mentor was never the intention of the Olde councils who created the program, nor is it condoned by higher ups. Most payments happen under the table, without anyone knowing.



Tapestries and metalworking are extremely popular in olde, many with and without telekinesis seeking to master an art in their younger years. Knowing an art can bring any family money if one is skilled. Aside from tapestry weaving and smithing, Olde puts singers on a high pedestal, believing the power of songful voice is a magic in itself.


Gender Roles:

Olde holds rather strict gender roles, while believing each are equally important in their own right: males do some jobs, while females do others. They strictly believe in two genders, leaving those who identify as anything else often feeling confused, and unsure of their gender.



Olde are perhaps the most advanced of the four factions, infusing common inventions with magic, their high population of unicorns allows for telekinesis, and telekinesis allows for more advanced technology. While Olde has not yet figured out how to replicate the architecture of the ruins in which they live, they are quite adept at manufacturing small gadgets- pulley and wheel style. While not a rank, there is many an Olde horse that finds considers themselves a tinkerer. They are quite skilled in metal work, and use it to their advantage.

Faction Relations

Emberblood Nation

While the equines of Olde now respect and share peace with their distant neighbors of the Nation, up until year 540, this was not fully the case. Trade and communication was highly sparse between the two factions with the disdain for Unicorn-kind in the south; many equines who were around at the height of the UFF believe that Emberblood brought the fighting amongst themselves by blaming their problems on the Unicorns. Silent tensions and caution are still present between the two herds, but over the past few years trade and communications have gradually resumed and are growing still. King Varren is a ruler of peace, and warmly accepts the Nation, despite the feelings of distrust his elders have towards them.


  • Newer generations in Olde and common equines are friendlier to Emberblood

  • Their practice of polygamy is puzzling to Olde, but they are willing to look past it

  • Main trade partner and source of many basic goods, as well as income for finished goods

Children of the Witch


The mysterious faction of the Children is one that draws respect from equines all across Chevalin, teaching those who unlock their magical gift, and this opinion is no different for Olde. There have always been questions in the air about their secluded ways, but the Order sees their following of the great witch Vellamine, along with their peaceful way of life, as a sign they can be trusted. Not to mention the Diviner is the only holder of the knowledge of gifts; the Children are seen as a necessity of the land by many in Olde.


  • Olde has limited intel about the Children, and while ever cautious of the unknown, respect and hold peace with no intention of ever breaking it

  • They are thankful for their guidance in magical gifts, and because of this are typically friendly towards members of the herd

The Nereid

Not much more than whispers and rumors have been heard by Olde of this faction. What is known is that they are a serious threat, and are most likely to blame for King Viktor and Queen Fiora’s murder, as well as the intermittent disappearances of herd members. Few have lived to speak of the monstrous equines known as Kelpies, namely Vance, uncle to King Varren, who was the only survivor the day of Viktor and Fiora’s death. He barely escaped with his life, but warned Olde of the dangers to come. The young king secretly feels unprepared for threats to peace, but tries his best to reassure the populace, always listening intently to the guidance of his advisors.


  • The Nereid are mostly a mystery to the Order, it is not 100% known that they are actually an organized faction

  • They are only certain that kidnappings are caused by Kelpies, and this causes tension among the herd, especially due to the fact there is no official rank of protectors present

Status is rather important in The Olde Order and denotes what kind of family your character came from, and what kind of money and social power they have around the herd. You are free to give your horse any status, however please note that if there is a * next to the status type, you must ask for permission as it is limited. 

Royal Blood*: This is reserved for those directly related to the royal line, brothers of the king, and children of the queen. 

Lord/Lady*: These equines are often  part of queen's family, or distant cousins of the royal line. In other cases, they are simply rich, coming from a line of parents whom always did well with currency. 

Milieu: The standard middle class citizens of the Olde order. 

Pauvre: The poor, but respectable poor of the herd. 


Untouchable: This equine has committed a crime in the past, or is the poor child of one who did.  They are considered not to be worth talking to, and are usually shunned by the rest of the faction. However due to the collective nature of the herd, offering them help, or a chance to rise up isn't seen as dirty: but rather is seen as gracious. Still, it happens rarely, and an untouchable may always stay an untouchable. 

Olde's faction special presents a choice to the character. Optional to add to your character sheet, your character may have a special calling or craft that gives them more identity, and more diversity among their faction. You may choose EITHER a calling OR a craft for your character, or bypass this step completely. 


Calling: A calling doesn't always sustain the horse, but it is something they refer to themselves as, or dedicate their lives too. This might be a specialty to know a certain type of knowledge, or perhaps your horse is on one of the few jousting teams within the herd.  



Craft A side job or hobby, that may one day be a new rank! This is something your horse practices on the side, be it healing with a herbal healing scroll, or tinkering with telekinesis! Crafts are not formally recognized by the herd as stable positions, but perhaps one day the will be!

Free Callings: 

Most callings are something your character can earn when they purchase different skills from the shop, but to start, you may choose one of these. 


Story Telling:  Limited to Archivists and Bards, your horse may refer to themselves as a master story teller. 

Songstress: Limited to Royalty and Bards, your character may pursue the loveliest of voices. 

Jousting Champion: Limited toMages and Archivists, jousting is a popular  sport  in Olde. Perhaps your character is a well known jouster, who has many fans within Olde!

Free Crafts: 

Most crafts are something your character can earn when they purchase different skills from the shop, but to start, you may choose one of these. 

Bookie: Stay away from royalty with this one, you wouldn't want to get in trouble with the law, or have your higher ups looking down on you. Bookies organize most of the gambling within the faction, collecting earnings from others, and always keep a percentage for themselves. 


Squire: Almost always young rooks looking to be able to joust one day, these horses follow around Champion jousters and help them with their daily work. 

Thought Healer: These equines spend their time listening to others, often trying to heal old wounds of the mind.  


Faction Status

Calling or Craft?

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