The horses of the Children are perhaps the only herd considered more mysterious than the Nereid, but instead of fear, they tend to receive respect from the other factions for their unique skill set and history. This herd is one of the youngest in Chevalin, founded after the great Silver Witch Vellamine, who hid under the name Ba’yagu for many years, sacrificed herself to save the land of Chevalin. They are known to have deeper ties to the Aether Pool, and have a knack for helping other equines unlock their gift. They remain elusive, letting no one know to which herds they are more strongly aligned.
Magic Types Allowed: Mind and Moon only.
Species allowed: Unicorn, Common Horse, and the occasional Kelpie
6. A mask must always be worn when interacting with those outside the children. It is the fate of a child of the witch to craft one before he or she may venture into the outside world. (Masks can be purchased cheaply in the ToW Shop)
7. Take part in all rituals that your are physically able.
8.One must be aware of the teachings of our witch: Vellamine, and be sure never to cross her judgement, and eternal love for all that live on this land.
9. Your leader will help you to unlock your gift when they deem you ready, do not try to unlock your gift without their help, as only mind and spirit are allowed.
1. Never allow another in danger to succumb to death, it is your duty to protect the life of all.
2.Thou shalt not covet what another has, thievery will be punished.
3.A member of the children will never covet the heart of another herd’s heart. One will be true to the children, or sacrifice their knowledge of the aether pool and be banished.
4.One shall not leave one’s territory without a superior’s permission.
5.One is never to drink the water of the Aether Pool, and must travel to its streams to quench one’s thirst.
Vellamine Day: Held every year on the day the 10 years war ended as a celebration. All herds gather in the center of Chevalin at the Aether pool and celebrate, as well as honor those who died. This is a rather stressful time for the Children of the Witch, who must make sure none drink from the pool. It is a day of great emotion for those in the children, and they often lay flowers in the pool as a thanks to the witch that allowed them to thrive. Only one horse is to receive their gift this day, and it is considered a great honor.
Aestara, Aebon, Winter Finding, and Summer Finding: It is on the two equinox, and two solstices of the year that the Children of the Witch put out a formal call for those outside the herd to receive their gifts. While any horse can make a request at any time, this is a celebratory event to honor those whom have come to unlock their own power. The night is one of partying, only Nereid are considered unwelcome, though some come in glamour.
Aetherial Support: Although the Diviner is the only member of the herd that can unlock gifts within another horse, it is rather taxing on him or her. Soothsayers and Eidolons can learn to lend their magic, acting as supports to the diviner so that they can continue unlocking their gifts.
Soul Bonding (Wedding): Mates wishing to be forever bonded by marriage are to consult the leader or second for permission. Only the Diviner can hold ceremonies.
The Birth of a Child (Custom): When a child is born, they are bathed in the Aether pool, and the Diviner announces the path they will follow: that of the Messenger, Eidolon, or Soothsayer. Each Diviner has had a different way to determine the path the believe the child must follow, some throwing bones, some reading leaves thrown into the Aether pool. Despite the differences in the ceremony with each leader, it is always seen as a day of celebration.
Soul Voyage: When a member of the children is between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one, they will be sent off on a journey to find their inner-self. It is usually a mentor or parent that sends the child off to discover their spirit animal. They must leave at sunset, and travel the territory contemplating their inner-self. Who are they? Who are they meant to become within their rank? The average soul voyage lasts about a fortnight, though there have been souls that never came back, and others that came back within hours. The journey is truly about being alone with one's self. The only rules are that they must return to the herd during a sunrise, they must collect at least three items to eventually make their mask, they must not speak to other horses during this time, and they must not return until their spirit animal has appeared to them.
Soul Etching (Mask Making): When a young horse returns from their Soul Voyage, they will stand in the Aether pool and announce themselves as a true member of the children. The present herd will surround them, blessing them with knowledge, and helping them to make their mask. Close members of the herd may give gifts to add onto the mask, others may simple offer advice on how to shape it: ultimately the final product is up to the character themselves.
Ceremony of Becoming: Only the diviner can unlock gifts, so when she or he feels a member of the herd is finally ready, they will help the member unlock their gift.
Unique Vocabulary (Culture):
The children use a few terms other herds may not know or find confusing, listed below.
Aethasha: The omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy out of which the Elements formed.
Example: ‘It is from the Aethasha that life and the elements spring, an inexplicable force from which the horses of Chevalin receive their Gifts.’
Pronunciation: either ‘ee-th-ah-sha’ or ‘ey-th-ah-sha.’
Inner-Self: The true self, the soul of the horse, and who they truly are.
Example: ‘They were never to show the inner-self behind their masks towards outsiders, for it was the burden of the Children to never be truly known.’
Outer-Self: How one presents themselves to others.
Example: ‘His outer-self was little more than a voice, a detached presence, and a mask carved of wood that stared out with the brutal features of a bear.’
Aetherger: This is used for purification purposes. It is a bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding a Ritual.
Example: ‘The Soothsayer began the motions of the purification pre-ritual, the heady-scented bundle of herbs, Aetherger, between her teeth.’
Pronunciation: either ‘ee-th-er-ger’ or ‘ey-th-er-ger.’
Aetherfire: A fire lit for magical purposes, usually outdoors.
Example: ‘The Aetherfire crackled and popped merrily in the otherwise dour and solemn atmosphere of roiling fog.’
Pronunciation: either ‘ee-th-er-fire’ or ‘ey-th-er-fire.’
Witch (Walking God): A once mortal equine that has achieved amazing power and immortality after conducting one of the five Unfathomable Spells.
Example: ‘It was said among the Children that the great Witches still slumbered, buried down in the darkest hearts of the world.’
The Five Unfathomable spells: There are five spells which are thought to be impossible to conduct due to the amount of power required to summon such abilities. These spells are thought to turn the user into a “walking god”. The five spells are as follows: The Spell of Binding, The Spell of Destruction, The Spell of Resurrection, Spell of Creation, and the Aetherian Chant. Not only are these spells considered impossible, they are also banned and spoken of in only whispers across Chevalin.
The Children’s history begins the moment the unicorn Vellamine used the Spell of Destruction. The day she sacrificed herself and became known as the Silver Witch was the day the Children began to form. As the Silver Witch disappeared and the Aether pool burst from the ground, they knew what they must do, without speaking a word to each other, it was apparent that they must continue her legacy.
To many, the Silver Witch was a goddess, sent from light to save those of the mortal world. To others she was a hero, risen from the ashes of her corrupted unicorn herd. To most she remains a symbol of what is magic and good in the world, and her followers were not going to be quick to let that legacy die. On the other hand, those that didn’t love her as her closest followers did, realized that there had been necessity in her existence. Without her, no horse could unlock the gift that came from within. If not to continue her legacy, the children were formed to protect the magic in the world.
To protect the magic, the Children needed to understand it as completely as possible. However, the new group was small. If they all left the Aether pool, they could lose the power that Vellamine had fought to protect. One of the witch's original followers, a donkey named Ozzer, volunteered to leave the pool. He was tasked with exploring the lands as thoroughly as he could, and to bring back word of the magical properties the new world had taken on. Out of necessity his travels would take him through the territories of the slowly forming Olde and Emberblood herds. Though the herds were wary of wanderers in the wake of the war, they were friendly enough to the donkey, and he began to pick up information on the herds' progress in growth and knowledge. But while the earliest messenger explored all the land he could, one aspect of magical knowledge still escaped the Children.
Who knew the secrets to unlocking gifts? The journey to their destiny truly began when a unicorn known as Pippin walked into their life. A son of the silver witch, he held secrets that the children did not know. As he was eagerly welcomed into the herd for his knowledge, he was soon declared the herd’s first diviner. When he passed, his knowledge was passed down to another. Since then, it has been tradition only one soul ever know the secret to unlocking the gifts within others. The herd has had few diviner’s in it’s time. As Pippin passed his knowledge to Eiraeth, and Eiraeth passed her knowledge to Tauren, and Tauren passed his knowledge to Merodii. Merodii would be known as the longest living and reigning diviner of her herd, serving the faction for the later forty years of her life. Reigning for half the life of the faction itself, it was she who invented the Eidolon rank, finding that secrecy was not enough to to keep the Children safe in times of need. She would become the first diviner to retire from her role as diviner, passing it on to the next, a mare known as bellamy, while she continued to breath the magical air of the chevalin world.
The singular power of unlocking gifts was a taxing one, though, and early on the Diviners found themselves seeking advice from their fellow herd members. The size of the group made it rather intimate, and thoughts and opinions from all members were welcome. But eventually certain horses, the early Soothsayers, began to stand out for their wisdom and recollection of past events. They were able to more accurately apply their energy - which became known as aethasha - into the acquisition and protection of magical knowledge. With horses physically seeking the magic of the land, and horses learning and teaching others how to put it to use, the Children of the Witch grew into a stable herd. And as their size grew, so too did the size of the now recovered Olde and Emberblood herds. More and more equines across Chevlain began to seek out the Diviner, now well known for her ability to unlock each individual’s gift. The current leader at the time, Eireath, never turned an equine away, no matter how many flocked to the Aether Pool. But in time she grew weary, as her Aethasha was drained. She knew that, to continue her work and the legacy of the Children, she would need to find another energy source to supplement her own. She looked to her faithful Soothsayers, who were brimming with Aethasha with no outlet of their own. After discovering the properties of the stones from the Aether pool’s rockbed, she taught them to channel their energy to her, and with this obstacle overcome it seemed that the Children were destined for a long and peaceful reign as protectors of the land’s magic.
Unfortunately power always draws opposition; in this case it came in their form of a young Soothsayer named Cillian. He, like many before him, had been openly accepted into the herd, his eagerness to learn the ways of the Aethasha agreeable to the Children’s views. The stallion was placed into the soothsayer ranks, and proved himself a quick learner. After only a few years he had gained the level of his rank that many spent half their lives attaining, though at the expense of making friends among the herd. Many had come to distrust him, feeling that there was something the stallion just did not quite understand about their desire to protect Chevalin’s magic.
Their fears proved true, when, one day, Cillian challenged Eireath. He was among the top soothsayers, and he did not quite understand what separated him from the Diviner. If the soothsayers could give her their power, why could they not use it themselves to unlock gifts. But there was a deeper understanding of Chevalin’s magic, a secret known only to the Diviner, that Cillian did not know. He approached Eireath, demanding that she start teaching soothsayers the secret of the Aether Pool. The mare, having held the knowledge for so long, knew that it could be dangerous in the wrong hooves. She tried to explain to Cillian that having only one Diviner was the only way to truly protect the magic, but Cillian would not hear it. Using his own gift of blood manipulation he murdered Eireath on the spot, under the eyes of many who witnessed their dispute. The surrounding horses, shocked by the horror they had witnessed, immediately detained Cillian. Too kind-hearted by nature, the herd could not bring themselves to kill the traitor, but instead enacted a punishment harsher than any previously known to the herd. Cillian’s mask was ripped from him, and broken upon the Aether Pool. Immediately all bonds he had made with his spirit animal were released, taking away the brunt force of his power though his gift remained. His horn was chipped and his body heavily scarred, he was banished from the lands of the Children, forbidden to ever return to the Aether Pool.
The passive herd was left deeply shaken by the treason and Tauren, Eireath’s chosen heir, was left to mend the pieces. He was terribly unprepared for the role of Diviner, having only been named Eireath’s successor a few months before. The one thing the stallion was good at, though, was throwing bones. In a moment of desperation, he collected the bones of his mentor, and combined them with his gift of retrocognition. Immediately he could see Eireath, many years ago, learning the power of unlocking gifts from Pippin. He was the first Diviner to teach himself to unlock gifts, essentially learning alongside Eireath as he looked into the past to follow along with her own schooling. Not wanting any other successor to be left as ill prepared as he was, however, he ruled that each Diviner must choose their heir within a year of their own succession, and so it was that he chose Merodii.
For five years Tauren led the Children of the Witch fairly and faithfully. Merodii grew under his tutelage, and was the most prepared of all the previous heirs when Tauren’s death finally occurred. To this day the circumstances of his death are still largely unknown. Some believe it was coincidental, but in hindsight, others believe that there was no doubting the connection of the Diviner’s death and the growing presence of the Aphebel herd.The small band of unicorns appeared seemingly out of nowhere, claiming to be the last of Valraldic’s rightful children. As such, they felt the land’s magic was theirs to control, and sought to steal the knowledge from the Children. Though the Children were a faction that preached peace, even more so after the ordeal with Cillian, Merodii saw a need for a change. If they were to call themselves the protectors of Chevalin’s magic, then they would need true protectors to defend them. Many of the Children rebelled against the idea of the Eidolon rank, but still others agreed with Merodii, and took up positions as defenders (and eventually out of necessity healers). At first they held this position while retaining their true rank of a messenger or soothsayer, but as the pressure from the Aphabels grew so too did the Eidolon numbers until eventually it became a rank in its own right.
Eventually, the threat of the unicorn faction was quelled, and the Children fell into complacency once more. After serving the longest term of any of the Children’s diviners, Merodii would retire in the year 544, leaving Bellamy as her successor.
Year 454: The unicorn war, also known as the ten years war begins.
Year 464: The Silver Witch, also known as Vellamine, sacrifices herself, destroying the unicorn king and successfully ending the ten years war. The entire world shifts, and a pool of magic erupts from it’s center, freely flowing aether pouring into the world. There is no longer anyone who knows how to unlock gifts in the world.
Year 464: The followers of the silver witch begin searching for knowledge, aiming to protect the magic flowed out of the aether pool, they take the once herdless horses of their faction who were once messengers, and send them out into the world to search for the answer.
Year 469: The question still remains, how does one unlock their gift? During his travels in search for the answer, a messenger donkey named Ozzer happens upon a unicorn named Pippin. Pippin joins the small group of followers, and delivers to them the answer they were looking for.
Year 470: The herd begins to organize, and decided that from this day forward, only their leader: now called a diviner would know the secrets to gift giving. Pippin would be their first Diviner.
Year 480: Pippin passes away to illness, barely teaching in time his heir: a young common equine named Eireath. Eireath leads the children fearfully, founding the soothsayer rank, so that the children could look to the future.
Year 482: Eirath works hard to develop a method for forcing a gift on another equine. This is something she keeps secret, giving imbued stones to those she deemed more fit for moon and mind gifts. Eirath, feels that she has betrayed destiny in some way, and so develops a ceremony for birthing children. It is Eirath who begins the tradition of deciding a child's path from birth.
Year 495: Eireath, despite her determination to see the future, and know all: is murdered. Leaving an untrained Tauren to take her place as diviner. Tauren, however was an excellent thrower of bones, and a soothsayer with a gift that allowed him to see the past of objects. It was he who taught himself to again uncover the secret of unlocking gifts by throwing the bones of his mentor. He decreed that a new diviner should choose their hier within one year of becoming the diviner themselves. He chose a unicorn by the name of Merodii.
Year 500: Tauren passes away, at the beginning of a conflict between the Children of the Witch, and a small renegade faction known as the Aphebels. The small faction was what was left of the once great unicorn nation, and sought to steal the answers of magic from the Children. The middle aged merodii was quick to devise a plan to seal the children’s safety, and began training a new rank: Eidolon. At first there is some push back about the rank, how could one become an Eidolon if their destiny to be a sooth or messenger is decided at birth? Merodii argues that it was her destiny to create the rank, and eventually wins the herd over. Over the next 20 years, the Eidolon became strong, and Merodii saw the end of the Aphebels, securing the safety of the witch’s secrets until the next conflict arose.
Year 544: Having lead the Children for a long 44 years, Merodii announced that she will retire, handing over the right to unlock gifts to her hier, a half breed mare known as Bellamy.
Year 545: The current year.
Laws of the Children
Customs and Rituals
Messenger*: The messengers of the Children are extremely resourceful, acting as spies under the guise of messengers. While they will deliver a message or an item for a pretty price, this rank is the eyes and ears of their factions, serving to know the secrets of all other herds across the land of Chevalin.
25: May cross territories without purchasing Rite of Passage
50: Gifted a free mask.
75: Gifted a falcon companion.
100: Character is given a +2 to any luck rolls in an event.
Soothsayer: Both Storytellers and Oracles of the group, Soothsayers are the educators and soul of their faction. They are tasked to be advisers to those who need them, and teachers to those who do not yet know what they need. They often look to raise morale when their faction is faint-hearted, and warn when times of danger may come. They are always given a mind gift from the Aether pool.
25: The Diviner gifts them a glittering stone from the Aether Pool, allowing them a guarantee of a mind gift.
50: Gifted a free mask.
75: Gifted a raven companion.
100: Gains + 2 Charisma during Event Rolls
Eidolon: Both protectors and healers of the group, Eidolon are the brawn and the hope of their faction. They may serve as bodyguards in times of passage, as warriors in times of war, and as healers to those who are gifted in such skills. They are always given a moon gift from the Aether pool.
25: The Diviner gifts them a glowing stone From the Aether Pool, allowing them a guarantee of a moon gift.
50: Gifted a free mask.
75: Gifted a dove companion
100: TBA.
Diviner*: The diviner is chosen by the previous diviner to learn the secrets of the Aether pool and how one unlocks the gifts of others. It was decided long ago that few should know how it is done, to avoid chaos among the factions. Aside from being the soul equine that can unlock gifts across the map, they are also the leader of the children.
0: Begins with Gift and One Accessory, or two accessories.
25: Gifted a Rite of Passage
50: Character is given a +2 to any willpower rolls in an event.
75: Gifted a Crow companion.
100: Automatically reaches stage 4 of their gift
Status within the children is a signifier of wisdom, and practice within a rank. As all children of the witch know their rank from birth, they use status to denote how far into training they are. You may choose any status, however please ask if you'd like to make your character a-bheith or Anradh, please ask!
Solathraíonn: Retired elders of their rank, their status literally means giver, as in giver of knowledge and service. they are often called " Sola" for short. Always remember to respect your sola!
Anradh: Equines that have surpassed average training, and becoming masters within their rank.
Taithí: One who is trained well in their rank, but is of average skill.
Nach-mór: One who is still training in their rank. They may have a single mentor, or multiple. Usually between the ages of 13 and 18
A-bheith (to-be): A "to-be" is a child between the ages of 0 and 13 that knows their future rank, but hasn't begun to train in it.
The Children's faction special is one deeply rooted within their culture and their connection to the ferocity of nature itself. For decades, the Children have used masks to cover their inner self, and present an outer self to those that are not members of the faction itself. These masks provide a level of secrecy for members of the children, but they also mean so much more. Between the ages of thirteen and twenty one, every child will go on a soul voyage, to discover their spirit animal. This spirit animal is meant to embody and guide them through life. A child's spirit animal will show itself in a vision or a dream, and may not always mean what it appears to mean. Below we have provided common descriptions of each spirit animal, and what they mean. The rarer a spirit animal is, the more likely the character is to fit the rigid description, the more common the spirit animal is, the more open to interpretation the spirit animal is. It is when they come back from this voyage they are a true part of the herd, and are tasked with creating their outer-self, and the mask that allows them to travel outside of their territory as a member of the Children.
Spirit Callings:
All Children of the Witch have a a spirit animal, and eventually a mask that represents both this animal and their outer self. A child's spirit animal never changes after they find it, though it may take them years to discover how it applies to them. There are three rarities of spirit animal; below are examples for each of the three. For a more comprehensive,complete list of spirit animals that explains how they may apply to your character, please follow the arrow link below:
Common Spirit Animal Example
Cothro-ma (Black Bear):
Soul Trait: Duality
This spirit takes the form of a black bear, calling to a soul who seeks balance, and maintains duality. Cothro types can be both seen as two-faced, and as accepting, it’s hard to know what these open minded horses are truly thinking. With the spirit of the black bear as their guide, Cothro-ma Soothsayers often carry patience, a strong ability to teach others, or resourcefulness as traits. However, the spirit can call to those negatively to, showing in a possibly possessing an inability to commit, or they may easily confuse others.
Scarce Spirit Animal Example
Mòrhound (Dire Wolf):
Soul Trait: Agression
Mòrhound first and foremost, are known to be gladiators for the cause of those they serve, and their aggression and obsessive loyalty is well-known, if not feared. Mòrhound spirit animals call to horses with a focused mind and drive to apply the force needed when diplomacy and defense fail. Often, this spirit animal is seen as something bad to the one who recieves it, an omen in their culture that they will one day kill. While also generally seen to fit a dependable, fearless horse, having no need for anything aside from clean straight-forwardness, their often brutish anger, foul-humored disposition, and weak empathy leave something to be desired.
Mythic Rare Spirit Animal Example
Bhàis-Bringer (Three-eyed-white-crow):
Limited to Soothsayers, this spirit takes the form of a White Crow. The meaning of their title is literally “Death Bringer” however these sooths never actually bring death themselves. Instead they focus on calling to the dead, looking often to have mediumship, or necromancy as their gifts. It times of great sickness or battle, these sooths often travel to the burial grounds to bring the dead home. Even without a gift focusing in death, Bhàis may focus on cleansing the bodies of the dead, and helping the living to move on from their fallen friends. With the spirit of the Crow as their guide, Bhàis-Bringers are often fearless, quiet, understanding, or adaptable. However, the spirit can call a dark call to those it chooses to guide, showing in a possibly being morbid, or apathetic.
Faction Status
A call of spirits
The Children of the Witch place high emphasis on peace, protection, and magic. They are prideful of their ability to help others unlock their inner gifts of magic, and feel a great responsibility within this task. In addition, this faction is often seen by other herds as both mystical and mysteries, as well as trying to hard to save the world - they are always getting in the business of other factions. (Though due to their secrecy, its possible that another herd may not know of their involvement at times. The herd has a healthily collectivistic, recognizing the importance of personal improvement, they believe all actions should be considered at the cost of Chevalin as a whole. They see the factions together as a single world, despite their cultural differences.
Soul Bonding (The Children's form of marriage) is seen as extremely personal, rather than openly celebrated. They do not have high expectations for their members to find mates, and believe that while soul bonding is a beautiful thing, it is not any business of the rest of the herd. They do not believe in any type of arranged marriage and leave love to each their own.
The Children are more feminine in their expression, preferring cooperation and modesty over barbary.
They support a Utopian attitude towards their members, everyone pulls their own weight, and everyone is taken care of. For this reason, currency collected by the faction is kept hidden together, and they do not use it within the herd, only to trade with outside factions. .
The children, with their desire to protect, embraces Aether as a way of life. They believe heavily in destiny, and hope for all to follow their individual paths to greatness.
Faction Universals
Views on Beauty:
Equines in COTW have always had a taste for the strange, and find unique oddities to be of beauty. From odd colored eyes, to a uniquely shaped snout, these are things the the children celebrate. Anything that is unique is considered desirable. However outside beauty is not something that children put emphasis on, finding inner beauty and health to be far more precious. For this reason, a member of the children’s attractiveness may lie in the craftsmanship of their masks, as it tells the story of who they are to those that greet them. In addition, most in COTW truly believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that no one sees the each equine exactly the same. Common bodily decorations include their masks, capes and other full body coverings, and anything made for a functional purpose, like split boots or a tail pin.
Games and Popular Pastimes
The Children do not put a lot of emphasis on fun and games within their culture, leaving the few small games of tag to the youngest of their ranks. Instead, they favor social events that bring them closer together. Most of these events happen at rather specific times of the year. However, every night as the sun hides from the equines of chevalin, and the moon makes its journey to the highest point in the sky, the children gather around the Aether pool to share stories of their day. This twilight hour is seen as important to the herd, as they prepare to sleep under the stars. Adventure, Study, Storytelling, Arts and Beast taming are among the most popular ways for a member of the children to spend their days.
Education is seen as extremely important to the children, even knowing their rank from before they can comprehend what a rank truly is. The children pass most of their knowledge orally: a good story is also a good lesson. From the herd’s history, to cultural and magical knowledge, the soothsayers and the elders of the herd pass everything on through the spoken word. This is not to say, though, that the Children do not use some script to archive their knowledge. The most important of information, such as spells involving the Aethasha or the unfathomable spells, are written down so that no detail is forgotten.
As with everything the children do, their art forms take on deep meaning with the world and equines around them. They are particularly fond of natural arts, such as woodworking, weaving, stone carving, and clay sculpting. Their works often depict abstract symbols and animals, and almost always have some deeper significance to the creator or their audience. Dramatic arts are also popular with them, as a form of storytelling.
Gender Roles:
The children are very loose with gender, not placing importance on being male, female or anything in between, they believe strongly that every individual may bring something different and unique to the table.
The equines of COTW are skilled craftsmen known for their woodworking. They can use this for simple inventions, but not for large works such as housing. Instead they are very resourceful, and make full use of their natural surroundings, manipulating them as needed. As far as literature, the Children do have scrolls, thought they are rarely used for anything but the most important of information, or messages sent to other herds that require detailed attention.
Emberblood Nation
The Children admire those who speak so boldly for what they believe in, and furthermore concerning a cause as exemplary as peace. However, the Children view the Emberblood Nation with great concern, for through assimilating such an ideal so completely that their great nation has become too trusting, too naïve, too vulnerable, and they fear that should the Emberblood Nation fail to balance their great cause with sensibilities, they may fall prey to those who may monopolize upon their nature.
They see Emberblood as a capital of moral growth, and have pride in working with the herd.
They often work as a middleman between Ember and Olde, delivering tradable goods.
The Olde Order
Olde hold many secrets just as the Children do, and while the Children view them as perhaps a touch vain about their past history, there is no debate that none are as so eagerly valiant and noble when the need arises. They can be chauvinistic, yet chivalrous; hierarchical, yet altruistic; proud, but able to express humility. Olde is among the most valorous and honorable, however, the Children warn against sweeping the more tainted periods of their past out of sight and mind, lest they are repeated.
Believe Olde to be a herd of truly good spirited equines.
Are wary that Olde may one day fall back into their eras of darkness
They often work as a middleman between Ember and Olde, delivering tradable goods.
The Nereid
Their hearts burn with rage, their souls are bitterly cold, and as while the Children empathize with the persecution and bigotry their people have faced, the Nereid are considered lost; far gone in their thirst for blood and revenge. For the Children, the story of the Nereid is one to lament and learn from, and their hatred and violence a thing to be reviled. However, the relationship between the Nereid and the Children could almost be considered symbiotic. The children unlock their gifts, and they believe one day the Nereid will learn the compassion that the children have shown them.
The Children are the only faction to know of the existence of Nereid as an organized faction. They keep their secret just as they keep the secrets of Ember and Olde that have been shared with them.
They believe that Nereid can change, just as the unicorn kind did.