Joining ToW should be a fun experience, but be prepared to spend some time learning about our game. To help, we have broken up the joining process into four sections: Overview, Character Creation, Gameplay, and Submission. If ever you have questions, please feel free to note the moderators on our Deviant Art page.
Joining Guide
PART ONE: Overview
1. Read the Story Introduction, Rules, and Gameplay introductions below!
PART TWO: Character Creation
1. Read the World History
2. Choose your herd
3. Choose your rank
4. Choose your species
5. Draw and begin to write up your character!
1. Just read through and familiarize yourself with the game play guide. Do not fill out a tracker.
PART FOUR: Submission
1. Upload your character sheet to Deviant Art
2. Submit your character to the group!
1. Be nice, be respectful (BnBr). ToW encourages players to be open-minded and kind to their fellow players. You may not always agree with their views, and that is okay. Keep arguments outside of the group and in private if you must have them. If, however, the argument cannot be resolved by the differing parties, please contact an admin to help mediate. Harassment is never allowed in ToW, and everyone has the right to feel comfortable and safe. Breaking the BNBR policy can result in any number of strikes, depending on the level of misdemeanor.
2. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Mistakes happen, but please do not purposefully falsify Aether counts on your artwork.
3. In role play, do not god mod or take control of anyone else's character but your own unless another player gives permission. If you are unsure of what god modding is, please check this link for an example. Be respectful of your RP partners comfort levels.
4. Only Pg-13 artwork can be uploaded to the group. Mature artwork should either have a mature content filter on it or be uploaded to for credit.
5. In EVENTS characters may subject to injury. An event can never kill your character (unless you are certain and notify us that you wish them to), but if your character is put in a situation where they may be injured, an admin will roll a dice to see what the outcome is. You can purchase spells of protection to ward injury from your character, but please understand that without one on hand before the event, your character will be subject to random chance. Part of the game is to have your character react to things that may be unexpected. Please understand this before playing the game. How the rolling works will change from event to event, and will be explained each time.
6. Traced artwork and pre-made line art from other artists is not allowed within the group.
7. All artwork that is submitted to the group should include the tag #ToWrp. Why? Go ahead, just search ToW and enjoy.
8. Do not argue with admins over game play rules or outcomes, if they are in the reasonable bounds of the game. You can, however, submit a complaint or appeal if you feel you were treated unfairly. Please note the group titled "Mod/Admin Complaint" and list the incident you had a problem with, and your situation, with screenshots if you have them. Our team will look over the complaint and make a decision. You can send in a complaint about anything, be it admins or general annoyances, but please do not abuse this feature as a place to rant.
9. Have fun, be active as is stress-free for you, and develop your characters!
What is Witch Glass?[Witch Glass] are small shards of sea glass that are used as currency in Chevalin. Witch glass is collected by YOU the player, not so much the character itself. It is also earned by using your character in the group, and can be spent in the shops to buy skills, potions, companions and much more! Witch Glass earning opportunities are slightly more rare than earning Aether. You do not earn it with everything, and just like with Aether all artwork submitted to the group must be fully rendered work.
How do I earn Witch Glass?Events will always have unique bonuses for earning WG, but will vary from event to event. Special character prompts will be available, and by using art or literature to react to these prompts one will gain bonus Aether and Witch Glass! Memes are available in the group’s gallery, and can be filled out to earn both Aether and Witch Glass. Each meme will earn a different amount! Witch Glass can also be earned for completing art the admins feel is an especially good way to contribute to the group, specifically, art we feel promotes community and activity. Here are some special ways to earn WG. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) artwork based on a linked rp ................ Earns + 4 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) GIFT ART................ Earns + 2 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) GIFT ART based on a character's history............... Earns + 4 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Uploading a dump of gift art with a minimum of ten head shots or 5 full body drawings...... Earns + 4 WG
How do I make a purchase?Follow these steps: Create a note to the ToW group and title it "Shop : Item Name" In the note content, include your WG total, and any special information needed. Most items will have a list of requirements with them, however SOULS need to have the character application completed before purchase. Provide a link to that application. Send your note!
Character Creation
Yay! You made it to part two of joining our group, and probably the most fun of the joining process. The goal here is to make a character you absolutely love, look forward to drawing and developing, and that is successfully immersed in the Tales-of-Wanderlust universe. You'll need read over the world lore first to understand where you are placing your character.
Then you'll need to choose a herd. Each herd has an expansive lore page that is available to read. It is required you read all of the lore of your chosen herd, so you can make a character that feels natural in their environment.
Once you've chosen a herd, you'll need to pick a rank within that herd. Each faction has unique roles and responsibilities, leading to new character possibilities! Lastly, you'll need to choose a species. ToW allows the creation of mortal horses, Unicorns, Pegasus and Kelpies, each with their own guide.
Read our world history by clicking , then return to this page to continue character creation!
Choose a Faction and Rank
There are currently four factions to choose from: The Olde Order, Emberblood Nation, Children of the Witch, and The Nereid. You'll want to choose the faction that inspires you most, and then choose a rank within that faction for your character.
Choosing a rank within your herd will allow your character unique privileges within their herd. On each herd lore page linked below you will notice a list of ranks. Simply choose one that suits your imagination best.
Which faction calls to you?
Choose your Species
*** This section is outdated. An update is coming July 16th.
Once you've decided on a herd and a rank, you'll know what species are available to you. Information about each species is below. By clicking on any of the images below, you will be taken to more information about that particular species. You'll then learn abut their innate species skill, and design rules.
Drawing and Writing your Character
You've made it to the last part of character creation. By now you know three things: the herd your first character will be a part of, what rank they will take, and what species they will be. make sure to now to download your factions character sheet, and draw your character onto it!
We do allow photo-manipulations, but the horse must be clearly manipulated in some way, and the stock must be both from an actual stock source (not just a Google image search, etc.) and be credited in the artist comments. If you are a traditional artist with no means of transferring your drawing onto the application sheet, please note the group with the title of "Application Transfer", a link to the drawing, and one of our admins or mods will assist you.
Once you have your character drawn up, you can begin writing out their information. Below we have provided a template of required information for you to drop into your artists comments. You are allowed to organize it however you please and add to the required information, but all of what's below must be there!
Faction Special:
RP rating: (G, PG, PG-13, R)
Year Born: (Current year is 545)
Breed Body Type:
Personality: (Please bold or list specific traits)
History: (Must be a minimum of 300 words. It must achieve three things: show an understanding of the Wanderlust Universe, show an understanding of the group rules (mostly by not breaking any), and provide a starting point for your character to develop in the future.
Congratulations! You've created a character. Feel free to note the group any questions you might have. Please continue on to the game play section. There may be things you find out in the game play section that add to your character, so don't feel like your character is finalized until it's time to submit them!
Character Rules
While things will differ from faction to faction, and from species to species here are some rules that effect all characters. Please keep them in mind while creating your character for the group!
1. Characters must earn their unique skills and magical gifts. They do not start out with their gift.
2. Characters may have traveled to other territories in their past, but in game must purchase a rite of passage before doing so again.
3. Characters cannot start out with companions, if they had one in the past, they may have lost it and find it when you can purchase one.
4. Characters must be at least thirteen years of age.
5. All characters begin with a species skill as detailed by their species guide, this is completely innate and does not need to be upgraded.
6. Characters in the group may not start out with any usable (meaning magic, or fertility giving or the like) items unless specified by their chosen rank. Each species guide will provide more on the rules of character creation. Characters can be a mix of the common horse and a mythical creature, but not a mix of two mythical horses. If you are interested in a mixed species character, please note the group.
7. Characters may start out with either 3 small items, or one large item.
What is Witch Glass?[Witch Glass] are small shards of sea glass that are used as currency in Chevalin. Witch glass is collected by YOU the player, not so much the character itself. It is also earned by using your character in the group, and can be spent in the shops to buy skills, potions, companions and much more! Witch Glass earning opportunities are slightly more rare than earning Aether. You do not earn it with everything, and just like with Aether all artwork submitted to the group must be fully rendered work.
How do I earn Witch Glass?Events will always have unique bonuses for earning WG, but will vary from event to event. Special character prompts will be available, and by using art or literature to react to these prompts one will gain bonus Aether and Witch Glass! Memes are available in the group’s gallery, and can be filled out to earn both Aether and Witch Glass. Each meme will earn a different amount! Witch Glass can also be earned for completing art the admins feel is an especially good way to contribute to the group, specifically, art we feel promotes community and activity. Here are some special ways to earn WG. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) artwork based on a linked rp ................ Earns + 4 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) GIFT ART................ Earns + 2 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Drawing FBFB (Full body, Full Background) GIFT ART based on a character's history............... Earns + 4 WG, as well as the Aether it would earn normally. Uploading a dump of gift art with a minimum of ten head shots or 5 full body drawings...... Earns + 4 WG
How do I make a purchase?Follow these steps: Create a note to the ToW group and title it "Shop : Item Name" In the note content, include your WG total, and any special information needed. Most items will have a list of requirements with them, however SOULS need to have the character application completed before purchase. Provide a link to that application. Send your note!
Game Play
Once you've created a character, you are technically ready to submit to the group. However, it is required that you read through the game play guide. This page will help you understand how to interact in ToW, and may perhaps boost inspiration for your character.
Now that you understand the world of Chevalin enough to join, and have created a character, its time to submit your character and do your best to enter the group. Applications sent in incorrectly will not be considered. Openings will be based on the number of open slots available.
1. Click the "how to join" button on our group's front page
2. In the comments section of your join request include the following:
Character Name:
Character Gender:
Preferred Rank:
Link to reference:
Which attribute to do you think your character is strongest in?
Additional comments: (optional)
3. Send the request!