The horses of Emberblood are a simultaneously proud and humble people. They have deep respect for their territory and the nature around it. They appreciate celebration and have more holidays than any of the other herds. They are also the only herd to currently harbor the pegasus, for which they praise the sun and the skies that bring rain for the plants to grow. They feel a brotherhood with the horses of Olde, fear the Nereid, and respect the Children of the Witch.
Magic Types Allowed: Sun magic is prioitized, but all are welcome.
Species allowed: Unicorn, Pegasus, and Common Horse
5. One should rejoice in the herd’s triumphs and mourn their losses, as if they are your own, as well as take part in all rituals that you are physically able
6. One will treat all species as equals but the kelpies, which are our feared enemy.
7. One must respect the land and all lesser creatures upon it.
8. One is called to help those who do not have the capacity to help themselves, namely foals and the elderly
1. One must preserve the sanctity of all life, and must not murder another in cold blood.
2. One should take joy in what they have, whether it is plentiful or scarce, and should share with Emberbloods that are less fortunate.
3. One must always remain loyal to the Emberblood Nation, not fancy oneself with that of the Children of the Witch. If relations are to occur between the Olde and the Emberblood, the Emberblood shall be outcast from the herd for disloyalty.
4.One must stay within the Emberblood territory unless given a superior’s consent
Vellamine Day: Held every year on the day the 10 years war ended as a celebration. All herds gather in the center of Chevalin at the Aether pool and celebrate, as well as honor those who died.
Spring Equinox: This is a celebration to honor the coming of the spring season. There are many festivities to be had, including taking the youth to the Aether Pool to receive their gifts as well as have them swear their Vestale if they are considered mature enough (generally between 12 and 13, though it varies). Individuals that are coming of age and thus having their Rising this year (around 17) will take part in a dance that involves weaving colored ribbons around a tree trunk.
Summer Solstice: This is a celebration to honor the coming of the summer season. Since it is the longest day of the year, the herd will wake as soon as the sun rises and only when the sun sets will they cease the celebration. There are games to play, feasts to partake in, and herd members can even decorate their homes and themselves for summer!
Fall Equinox: This is a celebration to honor the coming of the fall season. As the colder months come again, and the world begins its slumber, those that have not received a gift are celebrated as they continue to harbor their unfound magic. A few lucky individuals are taken to the Aether Pool to find their gift, a time shared with the Children of the Witch. Also, oath seekers that have proved their mettle after having taken their oath in the spring may have their ash removed from their chest, and replaced on their flanks by a keeper or even a warden.
Winter Solstice: This is a celebration to honor the coming of the winter season. Since this is the day of the year with the shortest amount of daylight, and one of the colder days, it is the only somber observance of the year. Winter solstice encourages families to spend the day with their families and those they hold dear, and remember those they have lost. Any raucousness seen on this day is viewed as extremely disrespectful.
The Burning (Custom): When a member of the herd dies, the Emberblood will hold a funeral to honor the dead. The deceased is covered entirely in Lithui, and then carried to a pyre to be burned at sunset. While the funeral itself lasts only a day, a mourning period after the funeral may go on for several weeks at a time. If the horse that died had family, other members of the herd will bring them necessities in their time of mourning, such as gifts, food, or simply just company in the difficult time. It is believed with a proper Burning, the individual will be born to the herd again, to take up the same function they did before, but in another life.
The Dawning (Custom): A celebration which is held after the successful birth of a foal from an individual in the herd. The celebration commences on the morning of the seventh day after the child’s birthday. The family is showered with knowledge and gifts from other parents, to aid in the parenting of their own child. It also gives the herd a chance to meet the foal and have the foal become accustomed to life inside the Nation.
The Rising (Custom): When an Emberblood reaches the age of adulthood (17), they are to announce what part of the herd they wish to be, and why they would fit well there. The Luminary, Chancellor, and other herd members will confer amongst themselves, and the Riser, then make the decision. Once the individual has found their place, the symbol of their function is branded to them and set in ash.
Casting of Feathers (Custom): Every 5 years, the Emberblood Nation decides upon a new Chancellor that will serve as the Luminary’s second-in-command. Votes are cast by placing special albino Maethúin feathers in jars that correspond to the candidates, whom must have Oath Warden status in the herd. The jar that glows brightest is then chosen. Chancellors may serve maximum three consecutive terms by re-election. If the Chancellor dies before the 5 year mark, an emergency Collection will be called.
The Tying (Custom): Emberblood marriages are marked by the tying of colorful ribbons in the participants’ manes and/or tails, and at the end of the ceremony, the ribbons are tied between each individual to the other(s). These displays can become very complicated and colorful depending upon the amount of equines marrying and both families practicing monogamy or polygamy are known to keep these ribbons throughout their marriage as a keepsake. The entire herd is present at this event to bear witness and celebrate.
The Cutting (Custom): If an Emberblood marriage is simply not working out, a public divorce will occur within the herd, and a show will be made of re-tying the already knotted ribbons into the manes, and then instead cutting them apart from one another (all at once, if a polygamous marriage). After the cutting, the herd will celebrate with the individuals as they did when they were married, to promote good feelings and the importance of herd solidarity despite personal conflicts.
Unique Vocabulary(Culture):
The Nation have a few terms that are used, that other herds may be less familiar with, they are the following.
Vestale: A word used to refer to the Sacred Oath that is at the core of the Emberblood’s life. This oath is taken around the age of 12-13, during the Spring Equinox alongside their peers.
Example: ‘Taking the Vestale before the entire herd is something you should take seriously’
Pronunciation: 'vest-all'
Lithui: The ceremonial ash that is used to mark status during rituals and celebrations, harvested from the nearby volcano.
Example: ‘He smeared intricate patterns of lithui on his pelt in preparation for his Rising.’
Pronunciation: ‘lith-we’
Cohar: A special word only used by Emberblood horses meaning a combination of teamwork in family, or can extend to the entire herd depending on context. Its literal meaning is "blood will prevail".
Example: ‘With our cohar, we can accomplish anything.’
Pronunciation: ‘core.’
Ennah: A paint made from "Enn" a poppy like flower that grows on Emberblood territory, and is often used both in wedding ceremonies in place of lithui
Example: ‘She painted her son with ennah before his wedding.’
Pronunciation: ‘en-uh’
Maethúin: Small red birds that glow with red Aetherian magic, native only to the south east of Chevalin.
Pronunciation: ‘may-thween.’
Tie(s): Those that an individual in the Emberblood is married to: ie. Husband or Wife
Example: ‘He married his first tie a few years ago, and then his second and third this spring.’
The Emberbloods have a history that was long in the making, a history two-fold, that has perfectly entertwined to make this hardy, weathered herd. In one part, their members came from the sky, released like a flash flood as the magic of the world tore the sky asunder. In the other, their members came from the soil, started by the remnants of two herds on the brink of extinction, old enemies drawn together by desperation.
Though the horses’ distant histories were deeply intertwined, the Bachelor and Exile herds went in vastly different directions soon after they had begun. With one group marked as traitors by the Great Compromiser, and the other criminals, the former became a warring, barbaric and patriarchal society with a fierce loyalty and even fiercer punishments, while the latter became a rugged band of stalwart survivors, a tightknit community based on democracy and unity. With such differing values, the two were often at odds, the Bachelors raiding both Exiles and Olde alike from their lush, green island, while the Exiles fought merely to survive, especially as fires consumed their home.
Fires took the Exiles to the Bachelor lands, against all of their better natures, and negotiations were struck between Bachelor Elite Vladek, and the Exile leader Cael with her Second-In-Command Kanu. In keeping with the Bachelor’s raiding lifestyle, particularly their capture of mares, a mare or a foal would have to be given every month as ‘tax’ for living on the Bachelor’s Eastern Isle, the first and consequently only of whom taken was a mare by the name of Evalynn. However, power shifted and as the Bachelor leadership shifted to a pale Marwari, Cain, the deal was changed. No further tax if the Exile leader, Cael, would surrender herself for the good of the herd. Cael did so without further question, leaving the Exiles leaderless and the Bachelors with two troublesome captives.
And even while the ongoing treaties with the Exiles were underway, the Bachelors prepared for war with Olde, a herd that seemingly declared on a whim - their precious praying pool turning red, a soothsayer dealing prophecies. If there was anything Olde hated more than Bachelors, it was Exiles, as their belief in the unicorns and the Great Compromiser’s just decisions were unwavering. As such, the Exiles were brought into this nasty feud, split between enemies and left to decide which was worse. Most sided with the Bachelors, as they had saved them from sure starvation on their fire ravaged island, and their leader promised that he would not send Exiles to fight against Exiles. However, some held fresh resentment from the recent treaties and forgave ancient hostilities by siding with Olde. The war raged until both sides were left licking their wounds, a temporary cease-fire given once the Olde king, Vasska, sent a spike of frost through Cain’s knee, giving Olde time to rereat and recoup in the safety of their own island.
As the Bachelors began to regroup, Cain sent a lowly brood, Bat-Sheva, off into the forest with a contingent of her own making, under the guise of finding the former Bachelor leader, Klaus. Though it was later realized, after the dissolution of the Bachelor herd and the rise of the Yeledin, that Cain’s only wish was to see the Bachelors crumble from the inside out, it cannot be said whether he foresaw this task being the start of it all.
Directly counter to the Bachelor’s traditions, a matriarchal society formed out of the escaped mares of the Bachelor herd, as well as stallions that sympathized with their plea, or did not mesh with what the society wanted of them. Four mares, including Bat-Sheva herself, raised Cain’s innately gifted daughter to be the leader of this new herd, this Yeledin, the freed. As the herd it was borne from, the Yeledin were war like, though expressed this only in attacks on the Bachelors to free more horses from their tyranny, and lead those captured back to their orignal herd, be it Olde or Exile, or release them as Loners. It was in this way, Yeledin stripped the Bachelors away to nothing, until they had no choice but to dissolve.
And the unicorns had returned, an ancient barrier crumbled. The three factions that had only months prior been warring, were now forced to ally against the coming wave of hatred and slaughter at the hooves of the Aphelion leader, the unicorn king, Valraldic who was once known as the Great Compromiser. For ten long years, the horses suffered, and from this suffering, the first piece of the Emberbloods was born from the remnants of the Yeledin and the Exiles, with whom the Yeledin had lived in mutual peace and respect, despite their varying ways of life.
In a flash, the world was shattered, as the Silver Witch sacrificed herself to destroy the unicorn king for good. As the earth attempted to reorder itself in the wake of the Witch’s last utterance, another barrier, one that had been lost to the ages, was destroyed. From this, the pegasus fell to the earth like rain, and only few had unfurled their wings, struggling against the changes in air pressure, in time to escape their death on the harsh ground. These few, after attempts to reach their old home were found to be in vain, were ushered into the Emberbloods by a mare, Cholena, whom had been blessed with divine flight. Cholena urged Eztli, the hot-blooded daughter of Cain and the necromancer Moira, whom had come to lead both Yeledin and the Exiles and the time of their merging into the Emberbloods, to consider giving them refuge. Based upon both herds’ moral codes, Eztli could not, would not deny them, and it was this addition of the refugee pegasi that made the Emberbloods what they are today - a herd that can never go back home, a herd forged in the fires of adversity, a herd built on virtue and kindness.
However, another beast came into the world that the pegasi warned the common horses about - kelpies. With the sordid history between pegasi and kelpie in their former world, and with their new merging between horse and pegasi, the Emberbloods had no choice but to forsake the kelpie race. As time marched on, this pegasi fear permeated the entire herd and gave root to deeper fears and misunderstanding as generations passed.
Year 454: The Unicorn War, or Ten Years’ War, begins.
Year 464: The Silver Witch, also known as Vellamine, sacrifices herself, destroying the Unicorn King and successfully ending the Ten Years’ war. The entire world shifts, and a pool of magic erupts from its center with freely flowing Aether pouring into the world. There is no longer anyone who knows how to unlock gifts in the world, and rifts grow stronger between herds.
At this time, the pegasus begin to fall from the sky, and only few survive the falling.
Year 465: Eztli and Cholena work to integrate the few living pegasi into the shambled together Emberblood herd, made of the remnants of Yeledin and the scattered Exiles. The pegasi warn of kelpies, a creature not yet in Chevalin, but that were found in their old home. Eztli and the Pegasi Emporer Balanque begin their courtship.
Year 468: Eztli and Naphtali, a son of Bat-Sheva, have a child named Aristide, born gifted as Eztli was and her mother Moira before her, angering Balanque and straining the relationship between pegasi and equine for a time, allowing enough of a rift for some unicorn refugees to find their way into the fractured Nation. Aristide is cast off as a bastard.
Year 470: The first Emberblood Luminary Eztli and the Pegasi Emporer Balanque are officially wedded by ceremony, allowing a moment of peace in the Nation’s tumultuous beginnings. As a wedding gift, Balanque offers Eztli a Phoenix named Voltaire, which continues to live on in the possession of each Luminary that follows.
Year 473: Balanque and Eztli have their first, and only heir - Tepi, also born gifted. Superstition swirls around Eztli’s innate power as the two repair their relationship with the birth of their daughter. Rumors of kelpie sightings become more prominent, bolstering faith in Eztli’s magic, though they remain only rumors. The royal couple use the fear of the kelpies to rebond the herd behind a common purpose, though it remains shaky at best, divided along species lines.
Year 476: The royal family institutes a combination of herd holidays to celebrate as a community, to try to bring the rupturing herd together. Births, deaths, and equinoxes are rejoiced with ritualistic fervor, and the distraction serves its purpose well enough to become standing traditions.
Year 479: Eztli and Balanque have their second child, however it is deformed to the point of inability to survive. The foal passes not long after birth and the ordeal is hidden from the Emberbloods. Questions arise, and the royal family blames the tragedy on the presence of the unicorns in the herd and their foul magic. Unicorns are cast out to the fringe of society, and eventually can only find means of living by performing servants’ duties.
Year 480: In desperation, Eztli and Balanque seek out the Children of the Witch and their common horse diviner to try to reason out the true cause to Eztli’s tragedy. Eireath claims that her womb will never bear another full soul. In desperation to keep their fractured herd together, Eztli trades the longevity of the royal bloodline for the ability of gifted births to pass on. These dealings are held in secret, and remain so to this day.
Year 489: Emperor Balanque passes away of natural causes, leaving Luminary Eztli and Tepi to try to keep the Emberbloods together. Tepi suggests allowing the common people a voice in the herd, as their Exile founders had, however Eztli refuses adamantly.
Year 490: Tepi chooses a pegasus as her tie, helping to reunite the struggling Nation. Tepi quickly becomes a favorite with her soft demeanor and caring nature, in stark contrast to her cunning mother and overbearing father.
Year 493: Tepi, unable to produce an heir with her first tie, marries her second tie. Scandal ripples through the herd, though there is some weak support for this bold move.
Year 495: After years of trying, Tepi has a child named Coatl with her first tie. Coatl, miraculously, is also gifted, and Luminary Eztli rejoices with the rest of the Emberblood herd. Faith in the royal family is bolstered with this birth and polygamy begins to become an accepted part of life. The trio lives happily, communally raising Coatl, though another heir is never conceived.
Year 509: Luminary Eztli passes, and power passes to Tepi without much fanfare or fuss in the herd. Her first act as Luminary is to offer the Nation a voice, and devises the first Casting of Feathers. A middle-aged pegasus named Manni is elected.
Year 511: Whispers of an underground guerilla faction called the Unicorn Freedom Faction begin circulating, however their acts of 'violence' are mostly vandalism and burning of trade stores with their symbol left behind. The members of this faction are wholly unknown, but their actions are considered minor annoyances and not much is thought of ending it. However, the lives of the unicorns in the herd get marginally worse as punishment, creating tension with the Olde Order.
Year 514: Tepi and her ties are murdered by a common horse member of the Unicorn Freedom Faction, their first documented case of murder, leaving Manni to care for and educate her child Luminary, Coatl. Unicorns are treated with fear in the coming years, and a witch hunt for supporters of the Faction ripples through the Nation.
Year 526: Coatl and Manni announce the new tradition of the Rising, and Coatl is the first to get his brand (the Tail), with Manni getting the second (the Voice). It is given on a volunteer basis to start, but quickly snowballed until it became something one expected to do upon entering adulthood. The Vestale is also created; an oath that everyone in the herd was required to take part in, in the face of the rise of the UFF. The Vestale became a large part of the continuing witch hunt, and then easily became established as a normal tradition of society.
Year 530: Manni, getting advanced in his age, has become too stuck to how ‘things used to be’ and fights the progression of the herd with every breath, particularly Coatl's progressive opinions on unicorns. An emergency Casting of Feathers is called, and the five year rule begins to be implemented . Kaija is Manni’s successor.
Year 536: By this time, Coatl’s three child-bearing ties have been unable to provide an heir for him, and are given freedom to create offspring by their other ties.
Year 539: Polygamous marriages become at least equal in number with monogamous marriages within the Emberblood Nation.
Year 540: The unicorns make their final rebellion against their invisible chains of servitude and with the help of Coatl and his Chancellor, regain the right to become higher members of the herd.
Year 543: Despite his many ties, (five at his passing), Coatl dies childless, leaving the Emberblood Nation to grave sorrow (with whisperings that his death was caused by a UFF poisoning). The herd looks back to Eztli’s bastard line to find their next Luminary, which managed to be much more prosperous than the royal. First born of his generation, the pegasus Toulouse is called upon to be Luminary. Not being of the line that was both blessed and cursed to be born gifted, and having exceptionally large shoes to fill otherwise, Toulouse hopes to bring a new age of prosperity to the Nation, though hasn’t the slightest inkling as to how.
Year 545: The current year.
Unicorn Freedom Faction
Not much is known about the Unicorn Freedom Faction (UFF) as it stands now in the Emberbloods, just that it is currently active but deep underground. It is not a movement that is free to join currently, however if your character makes it known that they are interested in membership, they may receive an invitation...
Currently closed! Check back soon!
Emberblood Creed
Customs and Rituals
Tenderfoot: As the future of the Emberblood Nation, these young equines undergo years of learning directly from their chosen path. They are expected to watch and observe how the job is done, as well as find themselves and which place they hope to achieve during their Rising. Their training is quite vigorous, and they can be involved at a moments’ notice, so everything they are learning is actively being affected by their actions.
25: Access to special Tenderfoot prompts that gain bonus WG.
50: Gifted a free Spell of Protection
75: Gifted a hummingbird companion.
100: Graduated to becoming a Legion, Envoy, or Sentinel.
Legion: Legions are the core of the Emberblood herd, those that stay within the confines of the herd and are either cultivating the herds’ crops, caring for the youngsters, or helping mend wounds of the mind or body.
25: Given the Herbal Healing, or Harvesting skill for free, but must still level it up.
50: Gifted a free Spell of Protection.
75: Gifted a flying squirrel companion.
100: Given a +2 to evasion rolls in times of danger, becoming far less likely to become hurt during events.
Envoy: These equines are those sent out into the world to either trade the crops that have been grown, or to spread the word of the Emberblood and try to find others that will join the cause. Also, envoys are used to scout ahead during the migratory part of the herd, and can often be found collecting supplies for those that request them.
25: Given the Navigation, Tracking, or Scavenging skill for free, but must still level it up
50: Gifted a Rite of Passage.
75: Gifted a kingfisher companion.
100: Given a +2 to their charisma rolls during events
Status in the Emberblood nation denotes a character's veneration within the herd. Every member of Emberblood is takes an oath, their Vestale, early in their lives to remain peaceful, kind, and courageous in the face of injustice. Those in the Nation take this oath very seriously, and so their status represents ones ability to keep their Vestale. Status is noted particularly during festivals and ceremonies by ash paintings on their fur - these should be simplistic and one should be able to paint them with a stick. You may give your horse any status, however please note that if there is a * next to the status type, you must ask for permission as it is limited.
Oath Warden*: This is reserved for those that have never broken their oath past childhood. They are an outstanding member of the community, going above and beyond to make others feel safe, welcomed, and even going as far as to help others finally take the Vestale. If they have ever slipped up, they have never been caught. Wardens are known for covering themselves in ash at every ritual they attend (and sometimes on normal occasions), some of the more intricate paintings covering the entire body, and most covering at least one third. Only Oath Wardens may be elected Chancellor.
Oath Keeper: These equines know their place in the herd, and have kept their Vestale to the best of their abilities. They slip up occasionally, but are good souls. Keepers have one limb (or wing, if a pegasus), covered in ash designs, or may have one simple design on their flank if they aren’t the decorative sort.
Oath Seeker: Usually younger characters within the herd, that have either recently taken their oath, or have not yet taken it. They are still learning how to follow in the peaceful paths of those that came before them. Their ash painting is located on one of their withers and is very simple.
Oath Breaker*: Known for antagonizing the oath, though never bad enough to be banished from the herd. These individuals area all but outcast, and are not allowed to wear any ash. To be cast down to this level is a challenge, but rising up from it is even harder.
Click here for a graphic breakdown of the ash paintings per status!
A family, especially one as large as the one the Emberbloods seek to create, has different parts to help it function. It is like the different parts of the body, allowing it to turn at a second’s notice, allowing one to breathe without giving it thought - the firing of nerves in tandem with the contraction of muscles. The Nation prides itself on functioning as a finely tuned machine, with all parts in tandem with one another, and all parts knowing their place. As such, the ritual of adulthood, also known as the Rising is commenced with the branding of their role’s symbol by the Luminary, with ash rubbed into the wound, kept as a constant reminder of their place and purpose. Due to the agitation of the ash and fire, it is generally raised throughout the individual’s life. Each brand is based upon a part of the phoenix, a mythological creature that all parts of the Emberblood Nation relate to - a creature forged in fire, borne in air, that dies in ash to be reborn better, and brighter.
The brand can be located anywhere on the body that the branded wishes to have it, and is roughly as big as an average playing card. A link to the brands can be found here. Note the gifts are more suggestions, they are not set in stone to the faction special.
The Eyes: Attention to detail calls to those that encompass the eyes. They can see things no one else sees, and are often wise beyond their years. They know everything isn’t always just as it appears. This idea is often used for these individuals to alter the world, or themselves within the view of others. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Light Bending, Mirage Weaving, Retrocognition, Shapeshifting, Face Stealing
The Voice: Voice individuals are born leaders and diplomats, having a quick mind for strategy and negotiation with others, and generally strong opinions about where the herd needs to go. Understanding other horses and how to motivate them most effectively is their mastery. They have little patience for complacency, and are always pushing themselves and others around them to do a little bit better, work a little bit harder, be a little bit smarter. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Velocity Ultima, Sound Amplification, Electricity Collusion, Teleportation, Gift Nullification
The Mind: Creatures of a quieter nature, individuals that settle into the calling of the mind are driven by knowledge, wherever they can find it. Often known as historians, or experts on weather patterns or the location of special flora or fauna, and are good at puzzling anything out that does not have to do with the affairs of other equines. They are steering the herd where it needs to go, and making sure that the same mistakes are not repeated. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Telekinesis, Earth Wielding, Weather Mastery, Tide Calling, Light Bending, Duplication
The Heart: These individuals are the part of the herd familial structure that care for the emotional needs of others, taking care of them mentally and making sure that everyone is in a good headspace. They are often the welcoming committee to the herd, making sure that those who are new to their life integrate with ease. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Aetherial Healing, Flourish, Spirit Bonding, Empathy, Telepathy
The Soul: Soul equines are the flower-children of the Emberbloods. They are tied intrinsically to the spiritual realm and its wonders, can tend to be a little disconnected from reality, and find themselves daydreaming about what could be. The dreamers of the herd, they get in touch with parts of the world the herd could not even fathom without their help. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Mediumship, Spirit Bonding, Astral Projection, Gift Eating, Sixth Sense, Precognition
The Flame: Flame individuals are exactly what they sound like they would be, fiery and passionate individuals that perhaps have a tendency to overwhelm those that get too close. They are ambitious self-starters that enjoy a more fast-paced lifestyle than the general Emberblood way entails. Very in touch with their emotions and use them to help maneuver the problems of the world, the herd would miss the vivacity that the Flames bring to every day lief. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Flame Dancing, Sun Summoning, Volcanic Synergy, Velocity Ultima, Berserker, Sound Amplification
The Talons: Those that identify with the talons are the protectors of the herd when they need to be, they were born with courage in their hearts and understand the necessity of force when danger is upon the herd. Even when not faced with adversity, Talon individuals have an innate strength of spirit and tenacity that sets them apart. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Flame Dancing, Sun Summoning, Volcanic Synergy, Electricity Collusion, Berserker, Force Fields, Spellbound Weapon
The Wings: Wings of the Emberbloods do not have to be pegasi, but they must be uplifting and free-spirited creatures, bringing light and fun to everyone around them. Perhaps not to be relied upon for serious matters, but when you’re seeking amusement or excitement, these are the individuals to find. Wings often enjoy helping set up for festivals and celebrations. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Dreamwalking, Empathy, Teleportation, Telepathy, and Beast Summoning
The Tail: Individuals that have a simple ‘down-to-earth’ quality about them are often found called to the tail. They are grounded solidly in reality and have little interest in ideas that are not founded in the same. Tails are hard-working and industrious, dedicated to keeping the herd sheltered and fed. Gifts that are innate to this calling are often: Plant Manipulation, Ecological Empathy, Flourish, Earth Wielding, Gift Nullification, Weather Mastery
Rise of the Phoenix
The biggest value establishment in the Emberbloods is the thought that the entire herd is in fact one big family, and should function as such with everyone having their place. Love of one’s neighbor is one of the biggest universals of all, though as their Vestale states, each individual in the herd is expected to be respectful, kind, and courageous. Being a team-player is the best thing one can be as an Emberblood, and going against the grain is frowned upon. However, they also pride themselves on being athletic and adaptable, able to change with whatever comes, or out maneuver if an option.
Privacy is essentially unknown in the Nation, and you should expect, and encourage your affairs to be public. Anyone who is secretive is considered suspicious and up to no good. The herd is of utmost importance and something to take pride in, to be prideful in oneself is distasteful.
Ones’ possessions are generally considered possessions of the herd as well, every member of the Emberbloods is expected to share what they have. That way, everyone must also try their hardest, otherwise the herd will crumble. Currency is all but non-existent amongst the Emberbloods, and most honestly don’t know to keep it, or why. The Emberblood treasury will give equines that need currency for whatever reason, whatever they need from their reserves. Trade is much preferred than keeping Witch Glass.
While the Nation is passive and gentle at their core, war is not something they shy from. They will protect their own, and their way of life, not tolerating threats from others to try to change their ways. They preach equality of all, however unicorns are still mistrusted and treated as lesser members of the herd.
The Emberblood Nation seeks for a better life, a stable life, and the contentment and harmony that they believe to their core that comes with that. Equality and unity are their primary goals, with the perhaps idealistic goal of stamping out injustice.
Herd Universals
Views on Beauty: Red and bay based coloration are the most highly desired, the brighter the better. Black is considered an unseemly and dull color, while pale coats are simply considered less beautiful than rich reds and bays. Some of the brighter buckskins and palominos are considered on the pretty side of average, while cremellos, perlinos, and smoky creams are considered quite ugly. Patterned coats are also favorable, with medicine hat (after their founder Eztli) the most highly coveted marking. Brindling and somatic mutation occurs remarkably often in the Emberbloods, and a foal born with either is considered to be very lucky, causing almost as much stir as if they had been born gifted. All shapes and sizes are considered favorable by the Emberbloods, as every shape has its advantages.
Games and Popular Pastimes: While working hard is one of core values of the Emberbloods, games and leisure time are exceptionally important to them as well. Not much of a herd for fancy and intrigue, the Emberbloods focus more on sporting - tests of skill that require teamwork, and athleticism. Their favorite sport requires two teams comprised of common horses/unicorns and pegasi to navigate a Maethúin egg through a series of obstacles as a sort of relay race without it cracking. Some require weaving through trees, some require balancing on rocks in a river, etc.
Another favorite pasttime is similar to that of soccer, two teams trying to get a ball made of rubber into a hastily made net behind the other.
Pastimes are always peaceful and nature oriented, perhaps even considered lazy by some. Emberbloods can often be seen exploring the terrain, sunning themselves in the fields, playing in the naturally warm waters of the river, or looking for rare minerals or animals. Time not spent working at spreading the word, or finding a good place to rest, is best spent with those that you love. Some equines entertain themselves by trying to grow the biggest crop the herd has ever seen, or finding new ways to irrigate or fertilize.
Education: The primary focus of the Emberblood education is to teach the young ones to respect the earth, and each other, fostering a kindred spirit among them. Emberblood does not have a solid system for education, instead believing that it takes a village to raise a child, they let the parents choose what route to take. They must learn the Vestale and why it is important, as well as begin practicing it. Again, athleticism is considered to be a superior trait, so youngsters are put through their paces to ensure optimal health and ability to escape if anything goes awry. Social norms are heavily enforced during this time period. The herd’s history is imparted on them starting back from the birth of the Exiles, and promotes the all-inclusive version of the truth. Elder horses around the herd are known to hold classes, inviting others to come and learn a new skill, no matter their age.
Religion: The primary belief system of the Emberbloods is reincarnation - if you are good, are faithful to your Vestale, and are given a proper Burning, you will come back and inhabit the same role that your soul was meant for - as well as possibly have the same Gift. Many equines in the Nation have ancestors that they believe they are the reincarnates of, and rumors of this swirl around the Luminaries.
Arts: Emberbloods do not find much interest or fascination with visual arts, unless it comes down to adorning their bodies in Lithui for ceremonial purposes, or Ennah during weddings, and then everyone is suddenly an artist. Arts come down more to physical prowess, and the herd enjoys watching feats of athleticism or grace performed beautifully, such as fire spinning, or ribbon dancing, or some other such thing.
Gender Roles: Gender means nothing to the Emberbloods, and they believe that there is an infinite plethora of genders and gender expressions that an individual might have. Sexuality is seen as fairly fluid within the herd, and experimentation is highly encouraged.
Technology: The Emberbloods also do not find much use in technology, finding built shelters to be frivolous wastes of time. Their interest in technology is mostly in navigation and charting of weather patterns, also the cultivation of certain crops that the herd can trust to enjoy during specific times of the year. Farming is something that is wholly unique to the Emberblood way of life, and the entire herd takes part in helping the crops grow. Cutting out irrigation ditches and utilizing the nutrient rich soil from the nearby volcano are commonplace. Entire forests have been cultivated by the Emberbloods, some of which have boughs woven between trees to act as shelters or collect rainwater.
Faction Relations
Olde Order
The Emberbloods have found in Olde a fairly trustworthy trade ally and partner in striving for peace in the world of Chevalin, despite a spotty past. On an individual level, Olde Order members are still held at arms' length, with an almost chilly down-to-business manner when they are encountered. The relationship is still decently strained due to the very recent acceptance of unicorns as full members of the Emberblood Nation, and Olde's almost bizarre hierarchical society, despite their claims of striving for a more equilateral herd dynamic. Some Nation members accuse Olde of supplying the herd with UFF members, though this opinion is usually kept to whispers.
Newer generations in Emberblood and unicorns are friendlier to Olde
Their practice of staunch monogamy is bizarre and restrictive, leading to Emberbloods feeling a sense of pity towards Order members.
Main trade partner and source of many finer goods, and income for trade of produce.
Children of the Witch
While Emberblood Nation members trust the Children utmost of all outsiders, they remain quite a mystery to most members of the herd. They are considered almost like a little sister, eccentric and strange, and also thought of as being a little out of touch with how the world operates with their heads too involved in magic and realms that cannot be seen and readily manipulated by equine kind. The Nation mistrusts the Children's decision to allow kelpies to join their ranks, causing some disruption to the two herd's shared celebrations.
OThe Children are thought of as invaluable allies, and are celebrated often as being an integral part of Emberblood life.
Pegasi, especially those of the older generations, are exceptionally cautious around all Children of the Witch, fearing the insidious Kelpies and their glamour capability.
The Nereid
At its core, the Nereid is a faction that is wholly feared by members of the Emberblood Nation. Nation members hold no pity or trust for the Nereid and their large kelpie population, and fear that their members will be stolen and assimilated into Nereid ranks. With their abhorrence for violence, Nereid is seen as a disgusting stain upon Chevalin's surface. The braver envoys attempt to 'save' common horses from the confines of this herd.
The Nereid are mostly a mystery to the Nation, it is not 100% known that they are actually an organized faction
Sentinels are trained specifically with the Nereid in mind.
Sentinel: While the land has entered a time of long-standing peace after the Ten Years’ War, the Emberbloods are wary of any equine that might enter their borders for ill purpose, particularly kelpies. While they are not meant to ever antagonize another herd, they stand watch to make sure that the Emberbloods can continue to live in peace.
25: Given the Composure, Stealth, or Defense skill for free, but must still level it up
50: Given a +2 to Defense rolls during events.
75: Gifted a wolf companion.
100: Gifted a free Spell of Protection.
Chancellor: The Chancellor is the balance to all of the Luminary’s thoughts and actions, their supporter as well as their sounding board. Elected by the individuals of the Nation, it is the Chancellor’s job to make sure their voices are heard in all matters of the Emberbloods.
25: Given the Diplomacy or Wisdom skill for free, but must still level it up
50: Given a +2 to Charisma rolls during events.
75: Gifted a lion companion.
100: Gifted a free Spell of Protection.
Luminary: The Luminary is the main leader of the Emberblood Nation, chosen by virtue of bloodline to their founder Eztli. All final decisions on how the herd is to be handled are made by this individual.
25: Given a Potion of Fertility
50: Given a +2 to Wisdom rolls during events.
75: Gifted a Phoenix companion.
100: Automatically reaches Stage 4 of their Gift